
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Technology Plan & Email Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Technology Plan & Email Skills - Essay Example It may occur any time and is unpredictable. If the existing system fails due to any reason, student cannot continue his online learning. So to avoid such a circumstance, one has to keep one or two alternative computers. At any situation if the working computer fails then other computer can be used. Try to use all the computers. Otherwise there is a chance for failure in the unused computers also. So check the functionality of the alternative computers occasionally. Keep details of the help desk: - Problems like unable to access the computer or network may occur in any system. It may also affect the online learning. For this type of learning, student always needs successfully operating computer and availability of network. So keep the details like phone number and E-mail ID of the computer servicing centers or persons and make sure of their availability as fast as possible. Student must take care that these persons or centers provide good service and they are efficient in the computer hardware and operating system. Keep the contact details of the classmates and customer service team: - There may be situations when cannot have access to his computer or Internet. In such situation they cannot know about details like assignments and other works give in that session. It will affect his study. To avoid this, keep the contact details of one or more classmates. They can give the updated information about the assignments. So keep a good relationship with classmates. Try to keep details of customer service team. It will help to face difficult situation. Keep the back up regularly: - Student should know the basic operations of the computer. Data kept in the computer may lose due to various reasons like, human error, hark disk failure, virus attack, and large file transfer etc. (Pacchiano, 2006). To avoid the data loss from the computer, student must take care for saving the data in the internal drives. Take the back

Monday, October 28, 2019

Mirabell and Millament Relationship Essay Example for Free

Mirabell and Millament Relationship Essay In The Way of the World, his last comedy, Congreve seems to come to realise the importance for providing an ideal pair of man and woman, ideal in the sense that the pair could be taken for models in the life-style of the period. But this was almost impossible task, where the stage was occupied by men and women, sophisticated, immoral, regardless of the larger world around them, and preoccupied with the self-conceited rhetoric as an weapon to justify their immoral activities within a small and restricted area of social operation. Congreve could not avoid this, and for this, he had to pave his way through the society by presenting a plot which, though complicated enough for a resolution, aims at the ideal union between the hero and heroine—Mirabell and Millament. They emerge as the triumphant culmination of the representative characters of the whole period, of course not types, for they are real enough to be human. Congreve endowed his hero and heroine with all the qualities typical of the society, but towards the end the qualities, if negative, are employed as guards against the venoms of the society. At the beginning of the play, we find Mirabell shaping up a situation so that he can win the hands of Millament and her estate as well from Lady Wishfort who has the rein of power over them. In this Mirabell is perfect Machiavellian: conscious of his surroundings. He is not at all a man from chivalric romance. That he is a past master in the game of love, of course, in the sense of the period, that is, sexual relationship—is evident from his past affairs with Mrs. Fainall, from Mrs. Marwood’s fascination towards him and, one many suspect, from Lady Wishfort’s unconscious longing for him. Moreover, Mirabell has mastered rhetoric to encounter men and women around them. Consistent with the irresistible charm of Mirabell, Congreve built the character of Millament. She is the perfect model of the accomplished fine lady of high life, who arrives at the height of indifference to everything from the height of satisfaction. To her pleasure is as familiar as the air she draws; elegance worn as a part of her dress; wit the habitual language which she hears and speaks. She has nothing to fear from her own caprices, being the only law to herself. As to the affairs of love, she treats them with at once seriousness and difference. For instance, she exclaims to Mirabell: â€Å"Dear me, what is a lover that it can give? One makes lovers as fast as one pleases, and they live as long as one pleases, and they die as soon as one pleases; and if one pleases one makes more. † This, however, may be a case for Millament who is â€Å"standing at the threshold of maturity from girlhood†, as Norman N. Holland points out. But from her discussion of preconditions before entering into marriage with Mirabell, it is clear that she is intelligent and discrete enough to judge her situation. In the Proviso Scene we find Mirabell and Millament meeting together to arrange an agreement for their marriage. The scene is a pure comedy with brilliant display of wit by both of them, but, above all, provides instructions which have serious dimensions in the context of the society. On her part, Millament makes it clear that a lover’s (Mirabell’s) appeals and entreaties should not stop with the marriage ceremony. Therefore, she would like to be ‘solicited’ even after marriage. She next puts that â€Å"My dear liberty† should be preserved; â€Å"I’ll lye abed in a morning as long as I please†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Millament then informs that she would not like to be addressed by such names as â€Å"wife, spouse, my dear, joy, jewel, love, sweet-heart; and the rest of that nauseous can, in which men and their wives are so fulsomely familiar. † Moreover, they will continue to present a decorous appearance in public, and she will have free communication with others. In other words, after marriage they maintain certain distance and reserve between them. Mirabell’s conditions are quite different: they are frankly sexual in content, directed to his not being cuckolded or to her bedroom manners. â€Å"Just as Millament’s are developed femininely† as Norman N. Holland points out, â€Å"Mirabell’s are developed in a typically masculine way. † Each of Mirabell’s provisos begin with its item: first, the general principle, â€Å"that your Acquaintance be general†, then specific instructions, â€Å"no she-friend to screen her affairs†, no fop to take her to the theatre secretly, and an illustration of the forbidden behaviour, â€Å"to wheedle you a fop-scrambling to the play in a mask†. Nevertheless, Mirabell denounces the use of tight dresses during pregnancy by women, and he forbids the use of alcoholic drinks. The conditions are stated by both parties in a spirit of fun and gaiety, but the fact remained that both are striving to arrive at some kind of mutual understanding. While the Proviso Scene ensures the marriage of true minds, the possession of dowry with Millament remains the aim of Mirabell for the rest of the play. At the end of the play Mirabell and Millament through their own peculiar balance of wit and generosity of spirit, reduce the bumbling Witwood and mordant Fainall to the level of false wit. Thus Mirabell and Millament dramatise the true wit that is so carefully and symmetrically defined through opposition. On his part, Mirabell informs that, â€Å"†¦I like her with all her faults: nay, like her for her faults†¦They now to grown as familiar to me as my own frailties†¦Ã¢â‚¬  And Millament declares to Mrs. Fainall, â€Å"Well, if Mirabell should not make a good husband, I am a lost thing—for I find I love him violently. † These confidences do not prevent their own chances for honesty in marriage. The triumph of the play is in the emergence of lovers who through a balance of intense affection and cool self-knowledge achieve an equilibrium that frees them from the world’s power. As the title of the play The Way of the World suggests, they have assimilated the rational lucidity of sceptical rake so that they can use the world and reject its demands.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Judaism vs. Christianity :: Compare Contrast Comparison Essays

Judaism vs. Christianity Judaism and Christianity developed on the basis obeying God, on adherence to his rules and intentions and their faithful fulfillment. Since the fulfillment of God’s will is a duty of a Jewish or Christian person, both religions fall into the rule-deontological category. In Judaism, God is seen as having a contractual relationship with the Jewish people where they must obey his holy laws in return for their status of the chosen people. God rewards or punishes Jewish people based on whether they obey or disobey his will. In parts of the Old Testament, however, God does show mercy or forgiveness, and in later interpretations God’s laws such as the Ten Commandments are followed not only out of loyalty to God but also because of their high moral character. In Christianity, the emphasis is placed on love of God rather than on obeying his will. People must believe that God is merciful and loves them as well. As a reflection of God’s love, people must also love other people (and the whole humanity in general) and forgive their enemies. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus endorses agape, or selfless love (in contrast to eros, or possessive love), which consists of dedication to another person’s good, even at the expense of our own good and happiness. People should practice peace and nonviolence, return good for evil and love for suffering (â€Å"turn the other cheek†). This leads to a special conception of justice, called the â€Å"divine justice†, which is based on giving a person what he or she needs rather than deserves (e.g., in case of a crime, redemption rather getting even). Even though agapeistic love is certainly a noble ideal, it is unstable equilibrium and an easy victim of the â€Å"prisoner’s dilemma,† in which the best alternative for a group of people is not the best alternative for each person in the group. Judaism vs. Christianity :: Compare Contrast Comparison Essays Judaism vs. Christianity Judaism and Christianity developed on the basis obeying God, on adherence to his rules and intentions and their faithful fulfillment. Since the fulfillment of God’s will is a duty of a Jewish or Christian person, both religions fall into the rule-deontological category. In Judaism, God is seen as having a contractual relationship with the Jewish people where they must obey his holy laws in return for their status of the chosen people. God rewards or punishes Jewish people based on whether they obey or disobey his will. In parts of the Old Testament, however, God does show mercy or forgiveness, and in later interpretations God’s laws such as the Ten Commandments are followed not only out of loyalty to God but also because of their high moral character. In Christianity, the emphasis is placed on love of God rather than on obeying his will. People must believe that God is merciful and loves them as well. As a reflection of God’s love, people must also love other people (and the whole humanity in general) and forgive their enemies. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus endorses agape, or selfless love (in contrast to eros, or possessive love), which consists of dedication to another person’s good, even at the expense of our own good and happiness. People should practice peace and nonviolence, return good for evil and love for suffering (â€Å"turn the other cheek†). This leads to a special conception of justice, called the â€Å"divine justice†, which is based on giving a person what he or she needs rather than deserves (e.g., in case of a crime, redemption rather getting even). Even though agapeistic love is certainly a noble ideal, it is unstable equilibrium and an easy victim of the â€Å"prisoner’s dilemma,† in which the best alternative for a group of people is not the best alternative for each person in the group.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Napoleon Essay

Bonaparte was nil more than a autocrat as he exploited France in chase of his ain aspirations to accomplish a dynasty in his name. A absolutism is frequently associated with repression and the workings of a constabulary province. Both of these were. in fact. being used in France. For illustration Napoleon smartly censored the imperativeness and even the theater. When Napoleon took power. Paris had a vivacious newspaper concern. by the terminal of his reign there were merely four newspapers left due to his denial of a free-press and all of these had been under his control. These newspapers were censored and used by Napoleon for propaganda. He besides had undercover agents and betrayers working for his Ministry of Police. he used particular tribunals and arbitrary imprisonment which truly supports the construct of a constabulary province under a absolutism. Implementing these resources allowed Napoleon to quash any resistance to his regulation and oppress any civil agitation Sing these facts merely it would look that Napoleon was nil but a oppressive dictator. but. this would non needfully be a just judgement as throughout his reign he continued to utilize certain administrative organic structures which limited his freedom of action. such as the Senate and the Legislative Body which suggests he didn’t have or want overall power as a dictator for affairs such as jurisprudence devising. He besides introduced the Civil Code. which assured legal rights. he besides instituted a figure of reforms that brought echt benefits to the Gallic people. such as spiritual acceptance. which non merely followed radical ideal of freedom and equality as anyone was allowed to pattern their chosen faith. but would besides hold had popular support in France. Under Napoleon. the upper ranges of representative authorities had no serious power and were reduced to back uping Napoleon. The Senate. packed with Napoleon’s protagonists. did mostly what it was told. cashing their wage and picking up honours. The Tribunate was to a great extent purged in 1802 after knocking Napoleon. and remained careful afterwards ne'er to talk excessively loud. until it was shut in 1807. Napoleon therefore faced small resistance from politicians until the events of 1813-4. and at the terminal the senate did eventually seek and evict their great helper from power. Crucially. most of these places were filled by people who had been involved in radical authorities. However. The First Consul found solutions for a despairing state of affairs: he brought approximately spiritual mollification with the Concordat in 1801. restored fundss ( making the Banque de France and the franc-germinal ) . reformed the disposal ( go throughing the jurisprudence of 28 Pluviose. An VIII making the prefects ) . won triumphs abroad. conveying about an terminal to ten old ages of war. It is true. as people tend to show presents. that this success benefited from some steps and triumphs of the Directoire ; but there is no denying that Bonaparte brought solutions to the jobs inherited from the Revolution. something which the Directoire had non been able to make. Heredity did non hold much significance since the new emperor had no kids and Josephine was distributing the rumor that he could non hold any. The cardinal point here was to avoid a vacuity of power which would hold as a effect a Restoration of the Bourbons. a possibility that had terrified the ex-members of the Convention of all time since the endangering announcement of Louis XVIII in Verona. after Louis XVII’s functionary decease. Thus. a continuity would be maintained in instance of accident or successful slaying effort against Bonaparte. The solution remained probationary merely because it was impossible to happen a solution which would guarantee the heritage of the Revolution. Napoleon is reforms did profit France greatly. For illustration one of his economic reforms. The Bank of France. established in 1800. restored stableness to the state by giving a monopoly of note issue to the new cardinal bank and endorsing it steadfastly with gold and Ag. Labour was besides controlled. Napoleon’s thoughts on economic sciences were instead old fashioned. He even considered reconstructing the clubs. The prohibition on trade brotherhoods remained though and bankbooks were introduced to restrict workers’ freedom of motion. The concluding point of Napoleons economic direction was that the control of monetary values and the supply of nutrient was introduced. There were no bread public violences to endanger his regulation. The export of maize was steadfastly restricted and maximal monetary values for staff of life and flour were introduced in 1812. He was cognizant that hungriness was a much greater menace than the desire for autonomy. Napoleon himself was instead unshockable: he one time said. â€Å"If I were regulating Jews I would reconstruct the Temple of Solomon† . However. he realised the value of organized faith as a agency towards societal peace and order: â€Å"The people ust have a faith and that faith must be in the custodies of the government† . The consequence was the spiritual colony of 1801: the Concordat. which said the Catholic religion was recognised as the faith of the great maj ority of the population’ and the clergy were to be paid as province functionaries. Besid es buyers of former Church lands were guaranteed ownership. However. so that he should non be seen as reconstructing Roman Catholicism Napoleon attached the Organic Laws to the colony. They included a charter of Protestant autonomies. verification of the subjugation of the Church to the secular power in France. In fact. the Concordat endured even when Rome was annexed in 1809 and the Pope became a Gallic captive. To reason. Napoleon ruled like a dictator during his regulation of France between 1799 and 1815 as he used censoring and the secret constabulary etc to stay in power nevertheless his reforms did convey echt benefit to France. nevertheless the term ‘enlightened despot’ might be more suited to depict his nature.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Trifles: Murder and Mrs. Hale

Susan Glaspell’s one act play Trifles is a clever tale which highlights the way in which women were dismissed in the early twentieth century and perhaps in some ways still today. Glaspell uses the scene of a terrible crime to engage the audience and then deliver her social message. This play is mostly about the way in which women in her day were ignored. The play takes place in a farm house in the Midwest during the present day, around 1916. Mr. Henderson, a county attorney, and Mr.Peters, a sheriff, have come to the farm to investigate the strangling murder of John Wright. One of John Wright’s neighbors named Mr. Hale discovered the body and found Mrs. Wright sitting downstairs acting in an odd manner. He has come to assist them with his testimony. Two women accompany them, the sheriff’s wife Mrs. Peters and the neighbor’s wife, Mrs. Hale. As the play unfolds, the men remain baffled by the lack of any evidence pointing directly to Ms. Wright as the killer . The case will not be entirely resolved due to an apparent lack of evidence of any motive.The two male investigators see women’s values and motivations in a disrespectful light – as mere trifles – and because of this attitude they fundamentally misunderstand the crime they are investigating and turn the two women into enemies who protect Mrs. Wright by tampering with the evidence. The men fail to see the household disarray as evidence. When entering the home, the poor maintenance in the household is apparent to all four characters in this play. The County Attorney exclaims, â€Å"Dirty towels! Not much of a housekeeper, would you say ladies? † (1114). The women defend Mrs.Wright. Mrs. Hale responds, â€Å"Those towels get dirty awful quick. Men's hands aren't always as clean as they might be† (1114). And after the men are out of earshot, Mrs. Hale is clearly identifying with Mrs. Wright when she complains: â€Å"I'd hate to have men coming into m y kitchen, snooping around and criticizing† (1114). Although all four characters recognize that the house is not well kept, but only the women immediately understand that something was terribly wrong. The men go no further with their interpretation of what the women instantly recognize as signs of discord in the home.A central piece of evidence in this play is a quilt that is being made by the suspect, Mrs. Wright, at the time of the murder. Upon inspecting Mrs. Wright’s things, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters come across an unfinished quilt. It is Mrs. Hale who notices that the last section of the quilt is different. She points out to Mrs. Peters that the stitching in most of the quilt is well-developed and carefully knitted. This is in sharp contrast to the most recent piece of quilt. This final section has misplaced stitches and the poor workmanship which would happen under a high degree of emotional distress. Mrs.Hale realizes this only moments after the county attorney c omplains about a missing piece of evidence explaining: â€Å"It's all perfectly clear except a reason for doing it. But you know juries when it comes to women. If there was some definite thing. Something to show – something to make a story about – a thing that would connect up with this strange way of doing it† (1121). Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters realize that they are, in fact, looking at the exact evidence the county attorney had in mind. Mrs. Hale quietly undoes the stitching. Another critical piece of evidence is the knot stitching in the quilt.Early in the play, the sheriff scoffs at the silliness of women discussing the type of stitching used to construct a quilt in the middle of an important murder scene, exclaiming sarcastically, â€Å"They wonder if she was going to quilt it or just knot it! † (1116). The point of view of the sheriff is clearly one in which he belittles female concerns over such a small detail when what he sees as a real concern, su ch as murder, is in question. The sheriff and county attorney ultimately fail to realize, or even consider, the critical nature of this evidence.At the end of the play, the sheriff takes a moment to tease the women a bit more about this topic. His sarcastic question about the quilting style is answered by a wicked pun from the author. Mrs. Hale explains that Mrs. Wright, instead of quilting it, was going to â€Å"knot it† ( 1121). Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters understand that this reference to a knot is in fact a direct reference to the way in which Mrs. Wright murdered her husband, by tying a knot around his neck and strangling him to death. She tied a knot in the quilt the same way she tied a knot around her husband’s neck.The irony of this pun is that this very evidence, seen as laughable by the county attorney, is actually central to the murder of Mr. Wright. Although the knot is right in front of his face, he would not be able to see the meaning of it in a million yea rs. The most obvious piece of evidence missed by the male investigators is the singing bird. As the women are collecting clothing and items to bring to Mrs. Wright at the jail, they come across a bird cage. Three questions are immediately evident. First, why is there a bird cage but no bird?Second, what happened to the door of the bird cage? Of course, this leads to the third and final important question: if the bird is missing, where is it? Within a few minutes, the women discover the fate of the bird. They find the pet hidden away with great care. It is wrapped in silk inside Mrs. Wright’s fanciest sewing box. Clearly this was a type of burial, a shrine to a beloved pet. The women make all of the central connections between the dead bird and the crime that the men are investigating. They immediately realize that the singing bird was Mrs.Wright’s only companion. Mrs. Peters notes that the hinge on one side of the door has been ripped out and not fixed as if someone br oke into the cage to kill the animal. They see clearly that the bird’s neck was broken and understand that this beloved pet was killed out of shear meanness by the overbearing; soul-crushing Mr. Wright. Mrs. Peters volunteers a story about one of her own pets that was killed by boys that she knew when she was younger. They instantly understand that Mrs. Wright murdered her husband in retaliation for this brutal act.They see that this was the motive behind this murder. The bird in this play is a reminder of the care-free, singing, younger Minnie Foster who has now become the lonely, miserable Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Hale’s recollections link the bird to Mrs. Wright. She explains to Mrs. Peters that when she was single years ago, Minnie Foster was well known in the community for being pretty, well dressed, and singing like a bird in the choir. Mrs. Hale observes, recalling Minnie Foster’s singing, that â€Å"he killed that too† (1120).The central misunderstanding in this play is the male investigator’s inability to grasp the meaning of the readily available evidence. As the title suggests, the men see women’s work and women’s concerns as mere trifles. The men comment on the poor housekeeping in the home but do not seem to understand why or how it is related to the murder they are investigating. The men fail to see why the bird cage is crucial evidence. The men investigating the crime make no effort to examine the quilting done by Mrs. Wright. The women, on the other hand, see all of these things in stark relief.They understand that the shabby condition of the home and the poor housekeeping criticized by the male investigators reflect the increasing alienation and despair of Mrs. Wright. The women instantly see the significance of the quilt. They recognize the incriminating nature of the emotional distress reflected in the shoddy last section of the quilt. They also find the crucial evidence of the case by inspecting the sewing box. The women find the murdered bird. When they do, they immediately see that the bird is the lynch pin of the case. The bird is the motive.The bird explains, both in terms of meaning and in the reality of its broken neck, what actually happened to John Wright. He murdered the bird, so she murdered him The blindness of the men to the nature of the crime and their condescension to Mrs. Wright emboldens the women at the scene to destroy evidence. Both Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters make it clear that they blame themselves for having been poor friends to Mrs. Wright. Perhaps Mrs. Hale puts this best when she says â€Å"I stayed away because it weren’t cheerful—and that’s why I ought to have come† (1118).They even resolve to bring Mrs. Wright her bottle of preserves as a token of their concern and understanding. Subsequently, Mrs. Hale destroys the evidence of the poor stitching on the last quilt segment. She does this because she realizes that this is ac tually incriminating evidence because it reflects Mrs. Wright’s emotional state. Following this, both Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters further tamper with the evidence by hiding the dead bird. When the men asked what happened to the bird, Mrs. Hale lies: â€Å"We think—the cat got it† (1119). Mrs. Peters could contradict Mrs.Hale. By not doing so she is also agreeing to lie and assisting Mrs. Hale in the destruction of evidence. In the final scene, both women attempt to hide the body of the bird and Mrs. Hale succeeds. They realize that the men are blind to the real motivation and nature of this crime. They are unafraid to destroy evidence which they know the men are too self-absorbed to find on their own. The play Trifles is a play about the lack of perspective men have for women’s issues. At every turn, evidence for this crime is available and plain to see.The male investigators fail to see the evidence of the murder because of their disrespect of things that are important to women. In addition, by being so dismissive and callous, they turn the two women who actually understand the crime against them. In the end, they fail to see much of the evidence. The women hide the remaining evidence easily. The women truly understand the crime and are certainly not going to assist in the prosecution of a woman who they realize has been treated so poorly. Glaspell is telling us to beware seeing other people’s work, hopes, and dreams as trifles.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Customer Journey Is Dead A Dawning Of Behavioral Data With Judd Marcello From Cheetah Digital [AMP 137] - CoSchedule Blog

The Customer Journey Is Dead A Dawning Of Behavioral Data With Judd Marcello From Cheetah Digital [AMP 137] Blog Marketers try to map and meticulously outline their customer’s journey to convert a lead into a paying customer. Instead, maybe they should focus on behavioral data to deliver the right message on the right channel at the right time.    Today, my guest is Judd Marcello, executive vice president of global marketing at Cheetah Digital. He believes the customer journey doesn’t exist. Instead, figure out why data is important and how to leverage it between brands and customers. Judd’s Career Journey: B2C to B2B martech firms; it’s all about your contacts and who you know As the number of channels increase, buyers jump around brands on their journey Fallacy of falling into trap of using phrases that become commonplace Consumers, not marketers now predict the path they take from researching to buying a product Marketers can still be proactive by using data to drive smart insights and technology from an AI perspective to provide a great customer experience Customers are going to do whatever they want to do; marketers should: Create unique, compelling, and consistent brand experience Deliver the right messaging Hyper personalize efforts    Create connection between your brand and customer Deliver personal and custom experience through data management Cheetah Digital’s Website revised to reflect how prospects look for information Indicators of Success: Team members, content, client summit; digital evolution What’s working and what’s not; prioritize performance to identify gaps Links: Judd Marcello on LinkedIn Judd Marcello’s Email Cheetah Digital ExactTarget Experian Friction by Roger Dooley Write a review on iTunes and send a screenshot of it to receive cool swag! If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Judd Marcello: â€Å"Consumers have more tools than they’ve ever had before to either research or access products or be influenced by other consumers.† â€Å"I don’t think it is a journey, I don’t think it is any one tool that can actually deliver on what a consumer wants. I actually think it’s a number of things.† â€Å"If you are a company that lives and breathes your purpose, your clients will feel that. They will want to be a bigger part of your overall offering or way forward.† This idea of unique value exchange and making that a personalized value exchange is really what our job is today, and why people are going to keep coming back to you or stay with you.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Financial measures for General Electric

Financial measures for General Electric - good jobTo : The Board of Directors, GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANYSubject : NEW FINANCIAL AND STATISTICAL MEASURES TO MONITORTHE SUCCESS OF GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANYAfter Mr. Weltch announced my new assignment, I pondered how I could go about guaranteeing the best possible result: a creditable and well organized work that is going to help you, the Board of Directors, plan for the future of the company in a better way. Before starting my analysis, I must specify that my target is not to abolish the traditionally used financial and statistical measures but to develop new ones to be used as guidance for the corporations future development.Our Chairman recently wrote that "the hottest trend in business in 1995 and the one that hit closest to home is the rush toward breaking up multi-business companies and spinning off their components, under the theory that their size and diversity inhibited their competitiveness ...English: Sneinton Cliffs The result of clay quarry...breaking up is the ri ght answer for some big companies ... for us it is the wrong answer."1For us the new trend is the entrance into the service industry.The question must then be: is this the right answer?GE is expecting to increase its revenue by the year 2000 to $120 billion compared with $58 billion in 1990. In other words, if the forecast proves to be correct, it will obtain an average annual rate of growth of 7.5%. This high rate is mainly attributed to the expansion of the services sector of the company, which is estimated to increase by an average annual rate of 13% compared with a corresponding one of 2.1% for manufacturing. Today nearly 60% of GEs profits comes from services up from 16.4% in 1980.2This is our new direction and therefore my target...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The 10 Biggest Mistakes of Unsuccessful People

The 10 Biggest Mistakes of Unsuccessful People Sometimes being successful is a simple matter of not being unsuccessful- not making the kind of blunders and mistakes that unsuccessful people make. If it’s too daunting to try and mimic someone else’s success, try simply avoiding other people’s failures. Here are 10 traits that describe people who rarely, if ever, get ahead. If one or two of these sound like you, see if you can tweak your habits. If you’re guilty of more than half, you’ve got problems, but at least you’ll know what needs to change!1. They’re  prone to distractionIf you can’t focus on the task, problem, situation, or conversation at hand, you’re going to fail at something, sooner or later. Don’t pick up your phone in the middle of a meeting. Don’t start checking Facebook when you should be finishing that report. Single-task until you get a single thing done. Then do the next thing.2. They’re  all talkSure you’ve got great p otential, lofty goals. Do yourself a favor and don’t broadcast them. Try keeping your cards closer to your chest. What you can broadcast is meeting those goals or achieving that success. Share when you’ve done something, not just when you’ve decided to think about doing something.3. They’re bad companyIf you want to be successful, hang out with successful people. If you want to get in shape, hang out with people who value fitness. Sometimes it really does matter who your friends are.4.  They’re always negativeDon’t be a hater. And don’t let small day-to-day annoyances get you so down that you become that person that’s always complaining. Try to accentuate the positive, even in sucky situations.5. They procrastinateDon’t delay doing anything unless you’re certain you could do it better if you did it later. Otherwise, you’re just stalling. Get it done.6. They don’t listenYou’re not the only on e in the world. And your success is not the only important thing in the world. Listen to the people you love, and they will love you back. Spread the love around.7. They’re lazyThere’s a difference between being tired and being a blob. Try to make sure you’re not constantly talking yourself out of doing things (work, going to the movies, exercise, helping a friend) because you just don’t feel like it, rather than a legitimate excuse. Try to always be doing something better with your free time.8.  They don’t want to learnThe day you stop learning is the day you fail forever. Keep an open mind about the things you don’t know, and keep pushing yourself. Be humble in the face of a world full of new information- and let some of it inspire you to greatness. Hard work is good for you.9. They’re just  meanPlenty of not nice people make it to the top. That doesn’t mean you will. Not being nice means you will acquire enemies, rather than allies. Be kind. Make friends.10. They’re quittersIf you give up, then, well, you don’t deserve success. Next time you hit a roadblock, try running through this list and see if there’s anything more constructive you could be doing- learning something new, making an ally, thinking positively, then find your way around the roadblock and keep going forward.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 42

Assignment Example With the right mindset while analyzing the data can make the difference between choosing two opposite arguments. For instance, knowing the intent of the people that produced the data will keep the reader objective about the so called facts (Graham 43). This approach might easily save the readers from falling victim to data mining or cherry picking. Having a little sense of accounting, finance, business and corporate laws can equip the readers with the right tools before making a decision of investing in the firm. The article in The Harvard Crimson, Death of Data by Raul Quintana declares that common populace lives in â€Å"post-truth† age of politics. This news article is in reference to the upcoming US presidential elections. It has become very easy to distort the facts statistically, as putting the stamp of individual belief on the data doesn’t rid it off the scent of spinning the data (Quintana). Representative Paul Ryan claims that Barrack Obama has doubled the size of the government, when in fact there is no data-matrix to confirm this. Institutes like Office of Management and Budget and Congressional Budget Office, and even Academia are facing criticism of being biased in their data projections or liberal bias. Instead of forming policies based on numerical facts, politicians formulate policies based on pre-existing ideology. What happens is that policies are made before objectively analyzing the data, and then to support the decision, the data is beaten to conform to the policy. Misinformation and inflammatory rhetoric are the predominant weapons used in twisting the data, and this is being done of regular basis. Data is no longer an objective input in a debate (Quintana). Showing one side of the picture is the most common tool for formulating policies that are based on an ideology. Politicization of data is one of the biggest challenges that the world (victims of policies/general public)

Friday, October 18, 2019

Prehistory and Ancient Civilizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Prehistory and Ancient Civilizations - Essay Example It is worth making note of the fact that, this covers about ninety nine percent of technological developments in human prehistory...the period extends from hominines like australopithecines who lived about two and a half million years ago to the end of Pleistocene who lived about ten thousand years ago. It is this stage that preceded Mesolithic period. There are so many events that necessitated human evolution namely; the desire to eat cooked food that, led to the invention of fire. The need to find more food that prompted mankind to procedurally better his tools both for hunting and cultivation. The need to protect them not only led to the development of weaponry but also made fire relevant for scaring wild animals (Lubbock, 2002). The desire to acquire items that they did not produce necessitated the commencement of trade or commerce. The unpredictable climatic conditions led to the start up arithmetic to study the stars for hindsight on seasons, the study on weather and climate and arithmetic. This period is distinct with the development of human technology. It began at about ten thousand and two hundred BC, in some parts of the Middle East and later on in other parts of the world. (ASPRO chronology) to between four thousand five hundred and two thousand BC Traditionally regarded as the final part of the Stone Age, this period followed the end Holocene Epipaleolthic period underpinned by the commencement of agriculture which led to the Neleolithic revolution. This period ended with the wide spread of metal tools in the copper age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age (Toth & Schick, 2007). Neolithic period is termed as a progression of cultural, behavioral and cultural elements and transformations such as, man’s adoption of wild fruits and his attempts to start domesticating crops and animals. The on set of Neolithic culture is regarded as Lavant. The culture is said to have developed from the

The realists vs. formalists approach to filming Essay

The realists vs. formalists approach to filming - Essay Example Supporters of the realist film theory such as Kracauer, S have been very detrimental to the thrilling form of entertainment utterly diluting its aesthetic qualities as far as its artistic composition is concerned. Those supporting the earlier film theories over the contemporary ones argue that the early theorists were very much concerned with proving cinemas artistic potentialities while the later theorists, who are less defensive and less elitist, take film status for granted. This paper will present a comparison between the modern and the ancient films with a favour on the modern films over the earlier ones. Kracauer argues that the contemporary films do not have the same taste as the former ones. To him this has been brought about by the conditions in which the contemporary films are shot, that is, the use of the cameras in shooting films and the variations in the film stock that have actually affected the way films look . In turn, these animations associated with new films eventu ally affect the film viewers’ ability to come into proper terms with the reality displayed in the film â€Å"edifying pieces of art should insist on the value of illusion as a more or less necessary pathway to truth. The Romantics sought to overcome the dichotomy between appearance and reality with a symbol whose appearance takes on a mysterious depth, a schoner Schein or ‘beautiful semblance’† (Kracauer 97). The reality that is supposed to form the major display in films therefore is being eroded over time due to the introduction of the modern changes that to him are a deviation from the original intention of the film industry. Kracauer further blames all this on the use of the digital technology when he argues that â€Å"technological applications such as computer enhancement, imaging, and editing that has actually diminished the reality in the real film plays† (Kracauer 103). On the other hand, other emerging scholars have argued in support of th e contemporary filming for instance, it is true when Andrew insists that early films are not uniform as ideological variations and national characterization formed the major themes in these films with the attention being focused on the spectator. In support for the modern times films, it is very important to note the two salient features that are common in the modern films and which were lacking in the earlier ones. These are the sound system and the technological advances that have enabled performers to camouflage easily into reality. The first movies that were made by the Edison Company actually had no sounds as well as very poor quality pictures. For this, most of the early films focused on the basic things such as crowds making noise, babies crying among others. It is very true that the sound accompaniment in a movie helps in keeping the viewer glued in the actions being performed in the movie. Thus, the sound combination associated with modern filming in a way gives the movie a third dimension such that the viewer is able to relate easily the events taking place in the film with the wordings. Sometimes, the music played in the movie helps in revealing the occurrences in the following scene hence keeping the viewer informed in prior. This always motivates the viewer by capturing his or her attention and therefore enhancing their concentration. Films are meant to function in such a way that they keep the audience completely engrossed in the performance that is certainly achieved by the modern films. Besides the above song enhancements, songs played in a film acts as a parallel form of entertainment for the viewer. At some point, the viewers are swallowed up in the film that they find themselves

Thursday, October 17, 2019

This house believes that.International Business will have to manage Essay

This house believes that.International Business will have to manage significant shifts in global power over the next few decad - Essay Example These developed nations hold the key to production while the emerging economies provide mainly the labor and infrastructure necessary for the investment. Technological upgradation has been a key to economic growth and the developed nations have proven this. Technology aims to create objects which are vital for human living. With new developments in research and owing to globalization, these economies like China and India have also realized the importance of technological development (Johnson & Turner, 2009, pp. 1-3). On the grounds of progress in technology it can be inferred that US reigns supreme though India and China have been investing constant efforts towards the same with China a few steps ahead. Technology is usually purchased and sold in the form of capital products incorporating machines and other systems of production. Information regarding technical and commercial aspects is subject to property related rights. In fact there are six elements connected to technology. These are â€Å"geography, culture, economy, people, business, and government† (Li-Hua, 2004, p.28). China has one of the most composite legislative and political systems and this creates hindrances for businesses. The government takes a clear role in issuing licenses and in spite of the loose ends in legislation China is encouraging towards foreign investments. Government has also issued the intellectual property rights in order to protect the â€Å"copycat reputation† of the nation. The business houses need to safeguard against â€Å"confidentiality, corruption and conflict of interest† (Ripard, 2010). India despite her colonial history has higher level of acceptance towards foreign investments. India’s regulations have been loosened and the economy opened when the country faced sudden crisis in balance of payments (Kochanek, 1974, pp. 118-119). Recently both America and India have shown their doubts regarding the products of the telecommunications sector fro m China. Experts suspect that, â€Å"India’s move to obstruct the orders from the Chinese telecommunications has kicked off a sequence of events that resulted in billions of dollars of lost revenue for global telecom market vendors and significant project delays for India’s telecom service providers† (Petrou, 2010). Chinese equipments involve a risk of security, according to Indian buyers and this might risk important information which might lead a firm to ethical problems. Even United States have raised security related issues and the senators from US requested the Obama administration to go through a submission of quotation from Huawei Technologies in China. The crucial causal factors behind the success of Chinese vendors are cheap labor, â€Å"a home-field advantage in China’s hot telecom market† and â€Å"access to an almost unlimited line of credit through government banks†. These facilities are likely to persist. (Petrou, 2010) China, especially Beijing has future plans for forming an environment which facilitates â€Å"homegrown next-generation mobile technology and electric cars†. When assistance was provided to the Chinese local producers in the form of energy resources and technologies at subsidies Beijing received the accusation of breaking free trade principles. This led to filing of a case in the WTO by Washington. China is working fast to create self reliance in the field of

Totaltarian Regimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Totaltarian Regimes - Essay Example In addition, totalitarianism is considered as a system of rule guided by an ideology whose perspective is geared on achieving a certain favorable political, social, and economic end by guiding every aspect of society to that goal with the use, to some extent, of "propaganda and terror"(Pleuger, "Totalitarianism," par.2). The system is also described as "both a form of social control as well as a method of social control" facilitated by advancement of technology and mass communication (Keis, "The Age of Totalitarianism," par. 10). Within the context of those definitions mentioned above that our discussion of totalitarianism will be based. In discussing history of totalitarianism, we do not consider intensively the birth of the concept of totalitarianism but we look into regimes that fit into the character as described by scholars as it occurred in history. We look deeper into what are the motives of totalitarian leadership and its impact on the society. By definition, it can be inferred that like any other form of governments, the system, by the perspective of the rulers, is anchored on the goal of total development for the country. Whether the approach would benefit a select few at the expense of other sector the concept of total development would likewise benefit the entire society. Taking violence, war, and human rights abuse and violations out of context, we can see that development brought by totalitarianism is highly considerable as shown by Russia's might in the Cold War era, the totalitarian monarchies in the Arabian region, and China's rise to economic dominance in the present times. Most totalitarian regimes with autocratic leadership hold on to power by imposing an official ideology upon its people. The master plan is laid and facilitated by controlling all means of mass media and information systems. There is only one political party which in some case becomes an alter ego of the leader and the exercise of free well and freedom of speech is being suppressed. Critics are subject to intense surveillance and executions are frequent with the use of strong police and military backing. All these are utilized to achieve the goals of the leadership. Dirty as it can be described, however, in dealing with totalitarian regimes it is argued that totalitarianism is different from authoritarianism although most totalitarian regimes are governed by authoritarians and dictators, but which is not always the case. Monarchy can be considered totalitarian but the role of a king is not as intimidating as a dictator. Of course, this point had its share of arguments in the past and is also a point of controversy in political science today. But looking at the present times we can see that monarchies rule in the principle of totalitarianism yet democratic processes are being recognized like the case of Britain, Saudi Arabia, Japan, and the other present day monarchies. This argument is the reason why the term totalitarian democracy emerged. Therefore we consider the brutal totalitarian regimes as a manifestation of extremism within the totalitarian concept. History of Totalitarianism Within

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

This house believes that.International Business will have to manage Essay

This house believes that.International Business will have to manage significant shifts in global power over the next few decad - Essay Example These developed nations hold the key to production while the emerging economies provide mainly the labor and infrastructure necessary for the investment. Technological upgradation has been a key to economic growth and the developed nations have proven this. Technology aims to create objects which are vital for human living. With new developments in research and owing to globalization, these economies like China and India have also realized the importance of technological development (Johnson & Turner, 2009, pp. 1-3). On the grounds of progress in technology it can be inferred that US reigns supreme though India and China have been investing constant efforts towards the same with China a few steps ahead. Technology is usually purchased and sold in the form of capital products incorporating machines and other systems of production. Information regarding technical and commercial aspects is subject to property related rights. In fact there are six elements connected to technology. These are â€Å"geography, culture, economy, people, business, and government† (Li-Hua, 2004, p.28). China has one of the most composite legislative and political systems and this creates hindrances for businesses. The government takes a clear role in issuing licenses and in spite of the loose ends in legislation China is encouraging towards foreign investments. Government has also issued the intellectual property rights in order to protect the â€Å"copycat reputation† of the nation. The business houses need to safeguard against â€Å"confidentiality, corruption and conflict of interest† (Ripard, 2010). India despite her colonial history has higher level of acceptance towards foreign investments. India’s regulations have been loosened and the economy opened when the country faced sudden crisis in balance of payments (Kochanek, 1974, pp. 118-119). Recently both America and India have shown their doubts regarding the products of the telecommunications sector fro m China. Experts suspect that, â€Å"India’s move to obstruct the orders from the Chinese telecommunications has kicked off a sequence of events that resulted in billions of dollars of lost revenue for global telecom market vendors and significant project delays for India’s telecom service providers† (Petrou, 2010). Chinese equipments involve a risk of security, according to Indian buyers and this might risk important information which might lead a firm to ethical problems. Even United States have raised security related issues and the senators from US requested the Obama administration to go through a submission of quotation from Huawei Technologies in China. The crucial causal factors behind the success of Chinese vendors are cheap labor, â€Å"a home-field advantage in China’s hot telecom market† and â€Å"access to an almost unlimited line of credit through government banks†. These facilities are likely to persist. (Petrou, 2010) China, especially Beijing has future plans for forming an environment which facilitates â€Å"homegrown next-generation mobile technology and electric cars†. When assistance was provided to the Chinese local producers in the form of energy resources and technologies at subsidies Beijing received the accusation of breaking free trade principles. This led to filing of a case in the WTO by Washington. China is working fast to create self reliance in the field of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Ethics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Ethics - Case Study Example The police officers of every nation are empowered to ensure the safety of their communities and to arrest people that they suspect of being criminals. This level of power, for some officers, gives them the facility to abuse the authority accorded them by enaging in corrupt activities. The issue of ensuring police accountability is probably one of the hardest to achieve for police leaders (Miller, 2010). This is because police officers are in the first place empowered to use coercive tactics when enforcing the law. The law enforcement profession, in contrast to other proffesions, has numerous opportunities for acts of corruption. Corrupt acts in the police profession include taking bribes, giving false witness against a suspect, or pilfering itmes from a scene of crime. There have also been many cases in the past of police officers misusing physically battering suspects to get quick albeit wrong confessions. Such acts are then hidden by coworkers. These are just some of the problems t hat are faced by police leaders. The challenges that many police organizations face at present could be categorized into three groups; as administrative, operational, and political issues (Kaariainen, Lintonen, Laitinen and Pollock, 2008). Operational challenges are basically focused on order maintenance and crime control police operations. These operations include controlling drug-trafficking, prosecuting organized crime, and gangs, violent crime, and controlling social disorder. It is in these areas where most corrupt practices such as the use of brutality and bribe taking are prevalent. Administrative challenges have to do with allocating resources, engineering the transfer of officers, defining service quality, and handling daily administrative issues. Police leaders have in the past dealt with challenges in the officially prescribed manner. This can affect the induction of new regulations that will positively affect the police force. The hierarchical structure which stipulates that all direction flows from the top down can actually stifle any efforts of ordinary officers to improve their departments. Political challenges have to do with being affected by the community’s political environment. There have been many instances in the past when police actions were compromised by the influence of owerful political players who interfered criminal investigations. Such realities put a lot of pressure on police leaders because they know that they can be adversely affected by refusing to accede to the requests of powerful politicians operating within their jurisdictions. Reasons why these Challenges Need to be Addressed in Light of the Organization’s Mission, Values and Culture Police corruption basically refers to any acts that contravene the very rules that police officers are expected to uphold. Police officers, like all other members of communities, have basic needs and wants. Some police officers simply enter the force in order to earn a good livi ng whle serving their communities. Morever, their idealistic views of what is right and what ois wrong might be negatively affected once they are exposed to the world of crime and discover that criminals actually make more money than they do. Once this point is reached, it takes an extremely dedicated officer to refuse the temptation of large bribes in order to allow criminal elements in the society to

Monday, October 14, 2019

How Chris McCandless Died Essay Example for Free

How Chris McCandless Died Essay Krakauer\s Into the Wild analyzes the whole story of Chris McCandless, a young fellow, who in 1992 strolled profound into the Alaskan wilderness and whose SOS note and withered body were discovered four months after. Globally top rated creator Jon Krakauer investigates the fixation which drives a few people to examine the outer furthest reaches of self, abandon human advancement and look for illumination through isolation and contact with nature (Krakauer, Pp.160). Chris argued that \The essential center of a man\s living soul is his obsession for the enterprise. The delight of life originates from our experiences with new encounters, and thus there is no more prominent bliss than to have an unendingly evolving skyline, for every day to have another and diverse sun.\ (Chris McCandless). McCandless looked upon some literary figures that influenced the decision into leave behind everything that the parents provided and go on an adventure in dangerous Alaska. The literary heroes discussed below had a complete influence from the books they wrote that Chris read and hence getting motivated about the journey. Chris had a similar connection to Leo Tolstoy since Chris’ was an outstanding group of Old Russian Nobility. The connection with Leo was acquainted with Chris\ Life (Madjid, Pp.131). The connection they shared influenced Chris to admire Leo as his legend. In spite of the fact that, He viewed Leo\s way of life, he additionally read books from Leo which influenced to admire what Leo had felt. For Example, a book composed by Leo Tolstoy called Anna Karenina, Leo expressed that \Every single cheerful family is similar; each despondent family is troubled in its way.\(Leo). Chris\ life can be associated with the character into the story since McCandless was additionally despondent with family because Chris\ folks had furnished with all that was needed; it is the thing that made Chris is miserable inside family. The family had felt that giving everything fulfilled Chris’ desires; however, concerning Chris\ view it didn\t make a happy life. Amid Chris’ enterprise, he had gazed upward to many characters (Merkley, Pp.163). However, one that emerges the most was Leo Tolstoy; this was on account of Chris had life and perspectives like Leo. Chris required motivation, from the saints and Leo Tolstoy turned into a most noteworthy legend all through McCandless’ trip. Tolstoy influenced Chris profoundly in the path of asceticism and seeking an alternative to middle-class living. Henry Thoreau was a notable figure in the American philosophical movement of Transcendentalism. This philosophy revolved around the possibility that the foolish congruity of the encompassing society was not sufficiently adequate in life (Harms, Pp.126). Undoubtedly an ideal approach to wind up plainly a visionary is to forfeit your living close by and frame a stable bond with the nature around you. Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer displayed Christopher McCandless, a man who was propelled by these early visionary figures, and before the finish of the trip, Chris is tantamount to Thoreau. McCandless discovered the truth in introspective philosophy. A visionary has solid convictions in evading human connections, realism and grasping mysticism. The primary thing Chris did was surrender family, the general population that was nearest. This was the initial phase of turning into a visionary since they trusted that human connections meddled with the capacity to associate with nature genuinely ( Vera, Pp.52). Chris additionally turned out to be exceptionally irritable and ambiguous with the general population that came crosswise over as he bummed a ride, making a point to maintain a strategic distance from human connections. Chris once stated, \You are incorrect if you think Joy radiates onlyfrom human connections. God has set everything around us, and you should simply go after it.\ (79). Chris had a disposition that influenced it to appear as though clearly nature is the subordinate of happiness. Chris didn’t have time for human connections just like Henry. \Jack London is King\ this was cut into a piece of wood found at the transport where Chris McCandless\ body was found. Chris McCandless appreciated Jack London as a man and an essayist (Brandt, Pp.189). Chris went into the wilds of Alaska to demonstrate that he could live off the land, with no advanced accommodations, and no human contact. Jack London composed stories about men and creatures encounter the earth, and survival against hardships, which were composed of his own life. His works included independence and the investigation of the laws of nature. Chris needed to investigate his own independence, his identity, and how he was to carry on with whatever is left of his life. London, a communist, and drifter, lived and worked among poor people and lower classes and related to their predicament. He tramped for a period, as did McCandless. McCandless, similar to London, searched out and related to minimizing individuals living on the social edges (Brandt, Pp.190). Chris\ aspiration in life was to be unified with nature and investigate. He needed to find the world for himself. It didn\t make a difference to him on the off chance that others viewed as foolish; pursuing his fantasies made a difference more to him than taking into account others\ reactions. \ANY MAN WHO WAS A MAN COULD TRAVEL ALONE.\ McCandless basically did not trust that there was have to rely on others to survive. For the duration of Chris\ life, he overlooked relations with family and declined to be too sincerely associated with anybody met on the journey to Alaska. McCandless blossomed with independence and one\s capacity to make his own particular way. \YOU CAN HARDLY WAIT FOR MOTIVATION; YOU NEED TO FOLLOW IT WITH A CLUB.\ (Hanssen, Pp.195) As confirmation from the book, Chris ends up being an extremely willful and firecracker individual. Chris is certain beyond a shadow of a doubt of objectives and won\t let anything block on them. Conclusion Chris had a life philosophy that life is more of interaction with nature and sharing the happiness but not just the family relationships. McCandless demonstrates this veneration in one of the most recent days of his life when he composes a short farewell to the world: \I HAVE HAD A HAPPY LIFE AND THANKED THE LORD. FAREWELL, AND MAY GOD BLESS ALL!\ (199). In the last snapshots of McCandless\ life, he communicates actual inclination about the long excursion by lauding God alongside every other person in his life. This demonstrates profound regard to God for brave and satisfying life by saying thanks to the sky (Krakauer, Pp.195). McCandless regularly discusses religion is putting trusts that God has taken a substantial part in making life so energizing and in this manner feels thankful for it. Christopher McCandless takes the Transcendentalist way of life by disengaging himself from society, living with just basics and following transcendentalist religion full-heartedly. Chris’ life decisions and philosophical thoughts are demonstrated through the voyage to Alaska and take after the perfect Transcendentalist life to an adequate degree, which is the reason such a large number of Transcendent adherents alike and not-alike end up noticeably charmed by his character and his story in Krakauer\s Into the Wild.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

An Introduction Bogawantalawa Tea Marketing Essay

An Introduction Bogawantalawa Tea Marketing Essay We are one of the foremost tea exporters who manufacture a diversity of own label and private label products from the teas manufactured in own estates situated in the Golden Valley of Bogawantalawa. We control some of the premium High Grown and Low Grown Tea estates in the world manufacturing over 11 million kg per year. We present garden fresh teas at a cost efficient price and every consumer who works with us will have a exceptional occasion of dealing direct without going through middle men. In Sri Lanka Bogawantalawa is a tiny city in (Central province). It is situated at 1514 m elevation higher than sea level in the country. Located Bogawanthalawa is very well-known for its Tea estates among the country. a lot of key companies operate around the tow Majority of tea estates of the area is managed by a company called Bogawantalawa Tea Estates Ltd. Bogawantalawa Tea Estates is the largest Sri Lankan supplier. Theres a sense of mystique when talking about this valley. Known well over for 100 years, this mist enshrouded, mountain valley is known for its tea of outstanding purity and taste. Sought after by connoisseurs the world over, Bogawantalawa produce a unique blend of tea of unparalleled fragrance, flavor, aroma and sourced from this one single valley, it is meticulously handpicked, and comes to you fresh, from tea leaf to teacup. The Bogawantalawa Valley is a miracle of nature. On one side it is surrounded by one of the worlds most beautiful national parks and wilderness reserves, on the other side it is bordered by verdant mountains shrouded in mist. The ancient name of the Valley, Boghavanthalawa, literally means the plain of the gods. But it was not beauty alone that attracted the first Scottish planters to the Valley, way back in the year 1869. These first generation planters found that the extremely fertile soil and the high elevation were conducive to the production of high quality tea very high quality tea. High mountain winds and the abundant monsoonal rains induce a slower, more concentrated growth in the tea bushes. This in turn brings out a tea that is rich in its flowery bouquet and refreshing in its warm taste. 2.0 Mission Statement Bogawantalawa is a company of resourceful people who share a responsibility and commitment to attain excellence in managing the resource of the company by providing customers with high quality products. 2.1 Current market position In below chart we can identify who are the main competitors for Bogawantalawa Company and what is the current market situation of the company in Sri Lanka. High Price Low Price High Quality Low Quality Watawala Tea Cylonta Tea Lipton Tea Dilmah Tea Bogawantalawa Tea Competition Vs Price 2.2 Four Ps for Bogawantalawa Company Products Currently Bogawanthalawa Company has been mainly produced six major products. Such as Black tea, Green tea, White tea, Herbal tea, Single Estate tea, flavored tea. These products are successfully marketed in the local market and it has started to construct profits. So the company has taken a decision to enter in to a new market with their existing products. By looking at the above positioning chart we can identify Bogawanthalawa has a High quality product for medium price when compared in to the local competitors. Place The company is looking forward to move to India as their new market. So company has identified two main competitors from existing market such as TATA Tea and Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL). Bogawantalawa Company has sold their product through their own outlets near to factory and also they have in to retail business also through supermarkets and retail shops. Price When comparing to other good brands and existing brands locally we can say that company have priced fairly for the customers. Because company have using high technology to produce the product for high quality. As an impact of using latest technology price has gone little bit up. It will be a advantage, when entering to new market to capture a potential customers company can go for a attractive pricing strategy. Promotion Tea is a product has to promote in different ways than other product. So we can use the media for give publicity first. And also we can use newspapers to give an idea what is this product and quality standards to gain customers trust. And also can have promotional campaigns in that outlets (buy two and get one free) to attract customers first into the brand. (Refer appendix 01 for more details page No 17) 2.3 SWOT analysis for Bogawantalawa Company Once the forces affecting rivalry have been recognized, the company will be in a position to identify its strengths, weakness to overcome threats and cash on the opportunities. Under the SWOT factors I have discussed about the key issues and the opportunities that company can use. (Refer appendix 01 for SWOT analysis for Bogawantalawa Company page No 17 18) 3.0 Market overview India and source of information Company has taken a decision to move in to a new market. Tea industry in India is old about 169 years. It inhabits a significant place and acting an extremely helpful part in the economy. So the company has chosen India as the potential market. Tea is an agro-based product and is subjected to vagary of nature. In the face of unfavorable agro climatic situation skilled in tea growing areas in numerous years, Indian Tea farm Industry is clever to maintain large growth in relative to quantity of Indian tea manufacture during the decade time. In India teas is a major beverage in the country. It also considered as the cheapest beverage among the beverages accessible in Indian market. The tea production  provides profitable straight employment to more workers mostly strained from the  backward and communally poor part of the community. It is also a considerable overseas replace earner and supply significant quantity of income to the country. In India tea plantations mainly situated in rural hills and diffident areas of North-eastern and Southern States. Kenya is fundamentally a CTC tea manufacturing country. While India is face to the competition from Indonesia and Sri Lanka with look upon to sell abroad of orthodox teas and from China with look upon to green tea export, it faces competition from other African countries and Kenya in exporting CTC teas. For India the foremost competitive countries in tea industry in the globe are Kenya, China, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia. Sri Lanka and Indonesia are producing largely orthod ox varieties of tea. China is the foremost producer of green tea to the market. By looking at the factors Bogawantalawa Company has decided to move in to Indian market. Appendix 02-(SWOT analysis of Tea industry in India and PEST Analysis for Indian Tea industry and source of information page No 19-22) 3.1 Special features of the Indian Tea Industry High cost due to high input cost. Low investment in Development Programme. Huge percentage old tea and Low Productivity. No main concern for Scientific Cost Management. Production dependent of agro-climatic conditions. Labour intensive. Product Life is for limited period. Same plant and same agro-practices give variations in quality in different regions. 4.0 Competitor analysis Looking at the Indian market we can identify two main competitors. Such as TATA Tea and Hindustan Unilever Limited. TATA Tea TATA Tea is the biggest perpendicularly integrated tea industry in the globe, from its  agricultural estate activity throughout to its packaging and marketing initiatives. Tata Tea Limited, also known as Tata-Tetley, is the worlds second largest producer and distributor of tea. It also involves in the farming and produce of instant tea and black tea, tea buying, and trade of tea in bulk or value added form. It offers tea mainly under the many brand names such as TATA Tea gold, TATA Tea premium, TATA Tea Agni, Tetley, Kanan Devan, and Chakra Gold. (Refer appendix 03 for SWOT analysis of TATA Tea and internal environment analysis page No 23 24) 4.1 Assumptions The company assumes to enter in to the biggest existing market in India. Because of the high quality company assume that can capture a market soon as they go to the market. Sri Lankan tea is the one of the best Tea in the world so Bogawantalawa Company is a part of it. Company is product is high quality so company assumes that their product is better than to Indian tea when comparing to the competitors. Also assume that company can capture working class of the country because mostly rich people in the country looking forward to have coffee than tea. And company assumes their pricing strategy is better than competitor. And also assume to take over a 10 to 20% market share within the five years time period. In India lot of people prefer tea so can assume demand for tea will remain as the same. 4.2 Objectives Increase the market share 15 to 20% within the five years time. Generate brand awareness within consumer target market and  business target market. Increase the quality with new technology and reduce the price than competitors. The corporation is focused on building value around its  brands to differentiate it from competitors. Improve the distribution through best known established dealers, retailers. Create a publicity operation to build brand consciousness and distinguish products superiority from competitors through emphasizing trade-sales advertising to support delivery approach. Build a long-lasting affiliation with the  buyer and is powerfully positioned in its exacting segment. To improve market share by 4% in the each year. Market share as % 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year Total Market share Every year by 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 20% 5.0 Ansoffs Matrix for Bogawantalawa Tea Current Product New Product Current Market Market Penetration- Relationship marketing, industries cafeteria, retail stores, supermarkets. Product Development   Re branded, re packaged products, new flavors, and new varieties. New Market Market Development   Open outlets all over the country, New resellers, new delivery channel, online selling, make popular the brand and the logo. Diversification- Partnership activities, campaigns and knowledge exhibitions and workshops. 5.1 Marketing strategies For product development Pull strategy. Brand awareness. Heavy advertisements. To gain bargaining power of suppler. Pricing strategy Premium pricing strategy. Skim price in Order to gain the cream from the top of the demand curve. High price shall be changed, with a 30% increase as compared to the leading competitor. Product marketing strategies Massive campaigning using the concept of pull strategy. Allocation of advertisement budget at 5% A product focusing on the high class at a high price, thus a creating a niche market segment. Co branding through installation of finlays tea machine at different places in corporate sector or other business. Media campaigning regarding decaffeinated. Free samplings. Slowly but surely open outlets in other parts in the country. (Refer appendix 04 for more details on marketing strategies page No 25) 5.2 Target market Daily tea drinkers Offices (government and privet sector) Retail shops, resellers and supermarkets Restaurants, hotels and guesthouses Target market Portfolio Matrix for Bogawantalawa tea High High Business strengths Industry/ Market Attractiveness Low Low Hotels, Restaurants Daily tea drinkers Retail shops Supermarkets Offices 6.0 Porters Five Forces Industry rivalry à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ [High] Low switching costs. There are approximately700 tea companies in India hence there is intense rivalry amongst them. Market is dominated by a large number of unorganized players. Industry growth is slow. Bargaining Power of Buyers à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ [High] Not much product demarcation in terms of taste also low switching cost. There are a large numbers of buyers purchasing the manufactured goods. Buyers purchase a huge quantity of the industrys total production. The bargaining power of buyers is extremely high as the buyers have numerous options on hand. Bargaining power of suppliers à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬Å" [Low] There are substitute like coffee available. Suppliers product creates low switching cost. There are a large number of produces of tea in India. Threats of substitutes à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ [Moderate] Substitutes coffee, cold drinks, fresh juices Existing customers are loyal The existing products quality and performance may be better. Substitutes price may be lower. As there are so many players in the industry a price war is unavoidable. Threats of new entrants à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ [High] Encouraging government policies like food and beverages act. Large untapped rural markets for branded tea segment in rural India and Indian tea in global markets. 6.1 Porters Strategic Matrix Low cost High cost Narrow Broad Competitive Scope Source of competitive advantage Cost Leadership Differentiation Bogawantalawa Company Cost Focus Differentiation Focus Bogawantalawa Company chooses the Differentiation strategy because it involves creation company goods unlike from and more smart from competitors. Company do this depends on the accurate nature of tea industry and of the products and services themselves, but will naturally involve durability, also brand image, functionality, support and features that companys consumers value. To make a winner of a Differentiation strategy, companies require, Good research, development and innovation. The ability to deliver high-quality tea products. Effective sales and marketing, so that the market understands the benefits offered by the differentiated offerings. 7.0 Branding Strategy Make Your Global Brands Local Use Local Brands to Establish a Market Presence Grow Your Own Local Brands When Possible Recognize That Brands May Mean Something Completely Different Address the Liabilities of Global Brands Increasing customer loyalty Contribute to unproductive expenditures in operational areas that contradict what company brand stands for Company can modify ads, but the fundamentals of slogan, logo, and color need to basically look the same. Make small changes over time so that consumers wont get puzzled and lose the product. After all, if company change ad too much and consumers dont recognize it, then company just lost all of the good will, appreciation, and trust that company have built up with branding strategy over time.  If company does want to make huge changes all at once, then company wants to tell consumers about it. Company will need to momentarily increase advertising budget so that company can keep consumers educated, and not lose them. Company might consider a direct mail campaign, or television advertisements etc. company will want to change them regularly because if not it will get really bored with the branding strategy. Until the consumer is serious about making a purchase, they wont really pay close concentration to ads. Company will feel familiar to them because they have seen ads 100 times, but only when they are ready will they really read it. Same old boring advertisement will not bore customers. Do not change the overall look and feel of ads unless you dont get the sales as company expected. (Refer appendix 05 for Brand Positioning Matrix page No 26) 7.1 Positioning Statement A brands position refers to its place in the customers minds. Positioning creates a unique space for a brand, and succinctly articulates the position to the brands core target audience. The company wants to make customers mind if goes to make a tea, that time remember what the tea there is using. Bogawantalawa Company theme is quality tea for everyone they have target the audience who loves the tea can use Black tea and who willing to reduce the weight can use green tea.etc. 7.2 Product Strategy Product strategy based on the most current company and product vision. Product differentiation strategy when company and competing firms offer a product that fulfills the same need. In a product-differentiation strategy, company goal is to put distance between your product and competitors product. Essentially, competitor sells tea A, but you Sell tea B, in company strategy, company need to produce tea B so that tea lovers find Bogawantalawa tea to be superior to companies competitors. price-based product strategy, the goods is designed according to such things as cost-plus pricing that where company set the price of the product at the production cost plus a specific profit margin, value-based pricing that where the price is derived according to the products value in relation to competitors products, and target-return pricing that where you set a price in order to receive a certain profit return. Market share Market growth rate Low High Low High Product strategy Boston Matrix Star Question mark ? Cash Cow $ Dog By doing a market survey can find how products come to the BCG matrix. After looking at the matrix cash cow products and star products will be marketed. 7.3 Pricing strategy The point is here Bogawantalawa Tea Company cannot set a price that is too high because competitors will attract by potential profits and will follow by a lower price. After having taken all the important factors into consideration, there five price level fixing seem appropriate. (Refer appendix 06 for more details on pricing strategy page No 27) 7.4 Distribution strategy (Place) Tea will be distributed by these channels; supermarkets, independent food stores, convenience stores, multiple grocers, Bogawantalawa outlets and direct sales. (Refer appendix 07 for more details on distribution strategy and the action plan for five years page No 28) 7.5 Promotion strategies Promotional activities will convey that the clear massage of Bogawantalawa Tea is a healthy drink for daily tea drinkers, sporty and young and any generation who simply enjoy taking care of the body and the pure taste of a tea. There are some product promotional strategies such as TV advertisements, Radio, Magazines, outdoors, personal selling, public relations and publicity. (Refer appendix 08 for more details on promotional strategies page No 29) 8.0 Assumed budget and Risk management Risk management involves assessing and quantifying business risks, then taking measures to manage or reduce them. Its purpose is to generate ideas and promote good practice for those involved in the business of managing risk. All too often assessments of risk are crudely made and the consequences of getting things wrong can be serious, including lost opportunities, loss of business and loss of reputation. Administration the competitors in the market also will be an additional risk. This can be prevented by providing different and more quality products to the customers. Then the customers will not try to move towards the competitive companies in the market. And also Market Risk includes interest rate risk, foreign currency risk, and investment portfolio risk. Interest Rate Risk is the risk of financial loss from changes in market interest rates. As strategic risks we can say that, Governance Risk is the risk of having an inadequate structure or body to make effective decisions. Budget By having a budget companies can allocate the resources as they wanted. And also budget will help for the company to have an idea about potential expenses and fast expenses of the company. (Refer appendix 09 for assumed Budget page No 30) 9.0 Conclusion In this report included a five years marketing plan for Bogawantalawa Company. In this report, I have discussed about how Bogawantalawa Tea industry willing to move to new market in India and how to use suitable strategies and how to market the product in very competitive environment. For get to know about environment I have done a research on competitor SWOT, PEST analysis to get a better understanding about the environment. Also I have use some theoretical matrixes to get a clear idea how the markets moves and what are the products that we should market. And also I have discussed about pricing and better promotional strategies that company will find comfortable at last I have given some recommendations that would help the Bogawantalawa Company for potential achievement and capture market share in five years time. 10.0 Recommendations As recommendations for potential success we can suggest that Increase number of service outlets, In recent times there have been numerous tea and coffee shops bounce up in cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore etc Tea house shpul beset up in a similar fashion and premium quality teas should be served at these outlets. And also strategic alliance, Tie up with own range of five star hotels to supply premium quality tea also with lower end three star hotel and also local eateries. Tie-up with airlines, caterers etc to promote Bogawantalawa tea to the market. By tie up with these companies it will easy to build relationship with corporate customers and build a good customer relationship and also make popular the tea through them. And also own depots, To start own depots of Bogawantalawa Tea so that they can sell loose tea thus reducing cost of packing which will also reduce the Vat additional charges. Thus masses from lower income group would be effectively targeted. And also Launching of flavored teas bamboo cups in china bring it to India too. Launching of more flavors in India. And also Increase profit margins for retailers to achieve higher sales volume as they are the main influencing factors in lower income group people. And also providing a bundle pack like a small tea sachet free with 100 grams pack of  biscuits. 11.0 Reference Johnson, G, 2008. Exploring Corporate Strategy. 5th ed. Prentice Hall: Financial Times. Bohlander, Snell, 2007. Human Resource Management. 4th ed. USA: Thomson Higher Education. Jordan, Roass, 2006. Corporate Finance Fundamentals. 5th ed. Singapore: McGraw Hill. Global tea industry. 2011. Globa tea industry. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28455965/Study-into-the-tea-industry-of-India. [Accessed 03 January 12]. India tea. 2011. India tea. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www1.american.edu/TED/indiatea.htm. [Accessed 04 January 12]. Four Ps for Bogawantalawa Company. 2011. Four Ps for Bogawantalawa Company. [ONLINE] Available at: http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot.asp?ticker=BOPL:SL. [Accessed 06 January 12]. Bogawantalawa Company. 2011. Bogawantalawa Company. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.bplteas.com. [Accessed 06 January 12]. swot analysis india. 2011. swot analysis india. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.indiadairy.com/ind_swot.html. [Accessed 07 January 12]. PESt analysis india. 2011. PESt analysis india. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/29980456/PESTLE-Analysis-of-India. [Accessed 09 January 12]. Competitor analysis . 2011. Competitor analysis . [ONLINE] Available at: http://tutor2u.net/business/strategy/competitor_analysis.htm. [Accessed 10 January 12]. Ansoffs Matrix . 2011. Ansoffs Matrix . [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.slideshare.net/sethaphat/starbucks-presentation-presentation. [Accessed 11 January 12]. BCG Matrix. 2011. BCG Matrix. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.slideshare.net/prasadshahane/hul-final. [Accessed 11 January 12]. 12.0 Appendix 01 Current market position Promotion Insistent Marketing Strategy Bogawantalawa can take benefit of the encouraging force down on the health repayment on tea to enhance the sales of its ice tea product line. Foundation of its media releases and promotion campaigns Company can exercise current studies on the health repayment on tea. Improve Packaging The Bogawantalawa flavored Tea are available locally in two sizes, the 500g packet and 1Kg packet. Bogawantalawa can come up with additional wrapping sizes to make sure that customers will have additional choices and that Bogawantalawa flavored Tea will be simply and willingly accessible to customers. SWOT analysis for Bogawantalawa Company Strengths When we looking at the strengths of Bogawantalawa Company we can identify that company has a old industry record, long experience, new technical and man power skills, good research and development support, mostly they pick tea from their own estates so cost advantage, assets leverage, effective communication, innovations through experience in the company, loyal customers from long time because of the image of the company and the high quality, also market share leadership, strong management team, strong brand equity, every company should have financial sustainability so this will be great advantage for the Bogawantalawa company, strong supply chain, and having fair product price among the competitors. And also the quality control within the company is good. Company having a strong image in the local market, so it will be advantage when moving into new market. Weakness Basically min development investment, stagnant production, less effective cost management, declining exports are major weakness can see from the Bogawantalawa Company but there are some more such as diseconomies of scale, low R D, less online presence, less diversified, weak real-estate, the facility for the production of the tea have become obsolete. The growing stock is old and has lost productivity. Factory modernization is slow and there is an imbalance in the production ratio of orthodox. The productivity is low when comparing to the international players. Above mentions the main and weaknesses of the Bogawantalawa Company. Opportunities As opportunities we can see that quality and brand equity, export potential, big domestic market, financial institutional support, acquisitions, financial markets, emerging markets and expansion abroad, innovation, go through online selling and online marketing, takeovers, world demand is for black tea expected grow rate is 3.2% per year. The substantial part of demand coming from the developing counties, particularly middle east and CIS countries which has preference of orthodox tea. Also CIS counties willing to buy who providing good and quality product so this will be potential opportunity for the company. The future consumption potential in other markets is so high. Company produces a wide array of tea, from high quality light tea to strong dark tea. It can exploit this ability to expand the product line and diversify into related products. These are the major opportunities that company has identified. Threats Threats for the company such as open global competition, low cost in some countries (Kenya), uncertain price, cheaper technology, economic slowdown, external changes (governments, Tax and regulations, politics.etc), exchange rates fluctuations, maturing categories products, price wars and also product substitution such as soft drinks and coffee. Kenya has overtaken the Sri Lanka as the worlds largest exporter of tea, the technology development and product development is low when comparing to the competitors because of the cost factor. Stagnant infrastructure development may decrease the industrys ability to compete internationally. These are the main threats that Bogawantalawa Company has been facing on. Appendix 02 SWOT analysis of Tea industry in India Strengths We can see that main Strengths are such as Technical Manpower Skill- Due to a huge population base in India Technical and manpower Skill is available in plentiful. And also Demand for tea has been growing at some 2% per annum and should accelerate further. And good Research Support by tea growers has will help industry grow further. Weaknesses Major weaknesses are such as Supply from more efficient players like Kenya, China, Sri lanka. And also Labor intensive industry- The second generation labors is unwilling to join this industry therefore it could pretense a problem of skilled manpower in the near future. And also No efficient Cost Management system adopted by industries and other regulatory  bodies, and Declining Export of India over the years. Opportunities It will be benefit for the companies who exist for achieve future opportunities. The main opportunities are to come up with new flavors and formulation of the tea, tea houses to popularize the impression of tea in India, also Export Potential if India can increase its production capacity, and To make tea more acceptable and fashionable like coffee and Large untapped rural market for branded tea companies lile Hul and Tata Tea. These are the main opportunities can gather from the environment. Threats When we look at the environment of the India we can see that there are four main threats for the tea industry such as Low Cost in some countries like China, Sri Lanka and Kenya, Cost escalation on account of increase in the cost of production, Import of Tea from other countries and also global competition. PEST Analysis for Indian Tea industry Political factors Trade Agreements Employment laws Tax policy Trade restriction and Tariffs Political stability Environmental regulations Industry specific regulations Economic factors Demand for food and beverages Customers buying power Exchange rate and taxation Economic growth Foreign Investment Foreign Investment Interest Rate Raw material Availability Social factors Population growth rate Health Consciousness Social cultural changes Trend of Buyers Career attitude Consumer preference Change in life style and occupation Education Technological factors Advances in manufacturing IT developments Research and development activities Industrial

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Comparing Maupassants Necklace and Chekovs Vanka Essay -- Comparison

Narrators and Sympathy in Maupassant's Necklace and Chekov's Vanka  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   In Guy de "The Necklace" and Anton Chekov's "Vanka," the narrators' attitudes are unsympathetic toward the protagonists Mathilde and Vanka. However, where the narrator of "The Necklace" feels outright hostility toward Mathilde, the narrator of "Vanka" voices his opinion more passively by pointing out the flaws in Vanka's wishful thinking. In "The Necklace," the narrator's unsympathetic feelings toward Mathilde are made evident in the first paragraph when he states, "she had no dowry, no expectations, no means of being known, understood, loved, wedded by an rich and distinguished man; and she let herself be married to a little clerk at the Ministry of Public Instruction" (66). The narrator portrays Mathilde as a selfish and haughty shrew whose only desire is to be admired and praised by everyone else. Mathilde defines her status by her good looks and thinks it degrading that she is the daughter of a lowly clerk. Also, the phrase "let herself be married" shows that she consider herself above the common person, and by marrying a clerk she lowered her standards (66). Conversely, in "Vanka", the narrator points out the flaws of Vanka's wishful thinking by showing the reality of his situation. Vanka writes to his grandfather as if to Santa Clause, but instead of asking for toys, he asks for freedom from his cruel life by as king his grandfather to "take [him] away from here, home to the village" (48). The narrator, though, shows how Vanka's grandfather drinks profusely although Vanka never truly realizes it except when he pictures him as a "lively little old man of sixty-five with an everlastingly laughing face and drunken eyes" (47). The narrator further p... ... (47) and in Vanka's dream he appears to laugh, as if reveling in the fact that he has been able to cause more mischief, this time in Vanka's life (49). Both "The Necklace" and "Vanka" portray characters that are treated unsympathetically by their narrators. At the end of both stories, too, the narrators appear to laugh at the characters because all of their hard work and troubles were for nothing; Mathilde lost her youth and beauty for a fake necklace; Vanka wasted his hopes on a letter that will never arrive at its destination.    Works Cited Chekov, Anton. "Vanka." Understanding Fiction. 3rd ed. Eds. Clanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hill, 1979. 46-49 de Maupassant, Guy. "The Necklace." Understanding Fiction. 3rd ed. Eds. Clanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hill, 1979. 66-72   

Friday, October 11, 2019

African Americans Consequence Essay

The African Americans played a major role before and after the Civil War, beginning from 1861 to 1870, which helped shape the course and consequences of the Civil War. In determining how African Americans shaped the course and consequences of the Civil War, one must assess how African Americans were given more opportunities. Politically, African Americans began to have a role in voting and to have the President and Republican Party fight for their full freedom. Socially, the African American’s class began to be looked at differently. Ideologically, the African Americans were being looked at as equal and made sure that people knew they were people too. Although African Americans had to continue to fight for their equality, they did, in fact, shape the course and consequences of the Civil War by having political, ideological, and social actions. African Americans had no rights to vote or involve themselves in politics but that changed after the Civil War. Giving African Americans the right to vote shaped the consequences of the Civil War by African American’s views being looked at as well. On August 1865, the Convention of the Colored People of Virginia was proceeded which claimed that since African Americans are free, they deserve to vote (Doc H). The African Americans spoke of being given suffrage, and then they were given the right to vote. This shaped a consequence of the Civil War because the African American’s views were no longer over looked. During the Civil War, no one J. Crespo P a g e | 2 paid attention to what the African Americans wanted but afterward, they were granted the voice to speak about what they wanted. After being heard and given the right to vote, the African Americans had participation in Constitutional Conventions. A map shows the following: the participation of African Americans and Whites in Constitutional Conventions during 1867-1868 (Doc J). Politically, the whites did not want to be overtaken by the African Americans, so they had a larger participation to overrule the African Americans. The whites wanted a powerful Democratic Party that supported their wanting. The African Americans still participated in the conventions to make sure the Republic Party was strong enough to continue to give the African American their rights. African Americans participating in the Constitutional Conventions shaped one of the consequences of the Civil War by not letting whites take over the political system. Not only did the African Americans have a consequence politically with being heard and not having white supremacy, politically African Americans were also given their freedom. African Americans were being given their freedom. Politically, African Americans were being granted a change in society. Abraham Lincoln published a letter on August 26, 1863 that proposed the following: the African Americans as a whole, everywhere, should be granted their freedom for they fought for the North (Doc C). Abraham Lincoln was trying to persuade the Whites to agree on freedom for the African Americans in the United States. African Americans were being freed everywhere instead of just the North. Politically, this helped the African Americans tremendously because they were going to be freed everywhere. One of the consequences was African Americans being freed in the North, but then African Americans were going to be freed everywhere, including the South. After the letter sent out by Abraham Lincoln, the Republican Party decided to try to get an amendment that freed all African Americans. In 1864, the Republican Party’s platform stated the following: they wanted an Amendment to J. Crespo P a g e | 3 officially end slavery everywhere (Doc D). Politically, the African Americans were beginning to be seen as people throughout the nation. This consequence after the Civil War proved that African Americans were no longer going to be slaves anywhere. African Americans found their freedom with the help of the political power of Abraham Lincoln and Republican Party. Then the African Americans were socially looked at differently. The African Americans were no longer such a low class because people began to look at them differently and notice the good things about African Americans. Socially, the African Americans were being helped by the people. On July 30 1861 General Benjamin F. Butler reported to the secretary of the war stating the following: the African Americans should be free since they are a part of the North (Doc A). Socially, the North no longer presented the African Americans as property. This shaped the Civil War because the African Americans became part of the Union that fought for the North. Then after the Civil War was won and the African Americans were freed, their school system proved them socially equal and good as the whites. In March 1864, Charlotte Forten, an African American teacher in South Carolina Sea Islands, said the following: she spoke of how happy the African American children were to learn and how much knowledge they have attained (Doc E). Socially, the African Americans were no longer looked at as less smart than the Whites. The consequence of the Civil War with the African Americans socially with schools showed their equality to whites. Socially, the African Americans were no longer looked at as slaves or less knowledgeable. The African Americans, ideologically, were no longer looked as property. The African Americans were beginning to be looked at the same as the whites. The African Americans no longer were looked at as property. Ideologically, the African Americans caused a consequence of the Civil War to be looked at as people. On March 7, 1864 in The New J. Crespo P a g e | 4 York Times it stated the following: African Americans have gone through a drastic change to now be free Americans in the United States equal to the whites (Doc F). The African Americans were no longer the property they were once known of; African Americans were people just as the Whites. Ideologically, this proved that a consequence of the Civil War was the change of equality that African Americans had. After The New York Times had posted the article, Thomas Nast from Harper’s Weekly on August 5 1865 had posted the following: a picture of lady liberty standing next to an African American Union Solider asking â€Å"And Not This Man? † (Doc G). Ideologically, the picture proved that the people no longer were going to look at African Americans as property so they should be treated equal. The North wanted the South to have the same thoughts about African Americans. This set a consequence of the Civil War by having the African Americans no longer being looked at as slaves as they were when the war had begun. After the African Americans were no longer looked at as property, the African Americans made sure the Whites thought of them as people no matter what. African Americans were going to deal with racism and injustice but they made sure that the whites knew they were people also. Ideologically, the African American consequence after the Civil War was that African Americans are people, not slaves nor property. On August 20 1862 in New York during the resolution of African Americans in Newtown, African Americans stated the following: they wanted to make sure that the President knew that they were not going to leave because the United States was their country also that they were going to fight in for their freedom (Doc B). This constructed the course of the Civil War because the African Americans began fighting in the Civil War. Ideologically, African Americans were looked at as people in the nation of the United States to fight along the Whites for their freedom and country. After the Civil War, when African Americans were no longer slaves and granted their freedom, some J. Crespo P a g e | 5 whites resisted the full freedom of African Americans. In 1867 with Rebecca Parsons she went through the following: she went back to receive her kindred since she was a free slave but the owner would not allow her to because they were â€Å"his† (Doc I). Although, Parsons did not allow Rebecca her children it proved that Parsons realized she was also people because she demanded them back from him. Rebecca is no longer a slave who has to stand down, she also had rights which proved she is as equal as Parsons. Ideologically, after the Civil War this was a consequence by African Americans no longer being looked at differently because they were people also. African Americans ideologically created the course and consequence of the Civil War by being looked at as people and not slaves. African Americans shaped the course and consequences of the Civil War by ideological, social, and political reasoning. African Americans were known in the United States as slaves and property but they no longer were during and after the Civil War. They became people of equality to the whites in the United States. They no longer had no say in politics; they were given rights and opportunities to speak of their views. They no longer were viewed as property but people. Also, they weren’t the low class everyone had always labeled them as. African Americans helped the Union win the war to win themselves the freedom they deserved.