
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Chris mccandless and timothy treadwell

That the path you are supposed to travel is set in stone and the choices you're faced with weren't yours to be decided. Is it true? Are we really Just a small part of something that a higher power thinks we're too feeble-minded to understand? No, we make our own choices; we are In charge of our lives and have the ability to change our lives If we want to. And that's exactly what Chris Mishandles and Timothy Treadwell did. They weren't happy with the life they had so they lied, changed their names, and abandoned the lives they had for meeting they wanted.One of the big things that Chris Mishandles and Timothy Treadwell had in common was that they had troubled pasts, lied to the people they met, and changed their name. Although on a larger scale they changed and lied for different reasons, on a smaller scale they did it to get away from life they didn't want so that they could finally live the way they really wanted to. They were both smart, Mishandles went to Memory and Treadwell went to Bradley on a swimming scholarship, only to lose It because of a back Injury.A point in their pasts where they differ is in substance abuse, Treadwell had a terrible drinking problem and referred to his life with the bears as Is â€Å"13 year sobriety plan†, Mishandles never had any problems Like that. Although It may not have seemed Like It, they both had purposes for doing what they did. Treadwell wanted to protect the bears and educate people about them, but he still wanted to be involved with people. Mishandles did it for himself, he wanted to escapes from society and his family who he felt he could no longer trust.Whenever Mishandles felt people were getting too close he left, it was a defense mechanism, he didn't want to be hurt by others like he was by family. Treadwell had only been hurt by alcohol and women that didn't want him, but he still loved to be around people and experiencing life. But whatever the purpose or the outcome, they followed their dreams. Mishan dles wanted to go to Alaska and live off the land and journal, and he did, Treadwell wanted to educate people and tape his Journeys and he did. They both may have died, but It was doing what they loved, and at the end of he day Isn't that what we all want for ourselves?Something that seemed unlikely for both of them, but turned out to be true was that people liked them. Whether they wanted it or not, there was something about them drew people in and made them want to know more and be a part of their lives. But it wasn't that easy, Mishandles didn't trust people and If he started to let himself get close to people he pulled away and left people and himself to wonder why. Treadwell on the other hand kept many friends and visited people when he wasn't paving with the bears; he still wanted to have relationships.They weren't happy with the hand they were dealt, so they changed the game. People say that they were crazy, and deserved to die, but I think the opposite. I respect and admire them, even though their travels TLD necessarily end the way they wanted, they TLD let what people thought stop them, They were proving to people that Just because you're given a few bad cards In the beginning, doesn't mean you're going to lose the game. Chris mishandles and timothy Treadwell By Charlotte feeble-minded to understand?No, we make our own choices; we are in charge of our lives and have the ability to change our lives if we want to. And that's exactly what Chris Mishandles and Timothy Treadwell did. They weren't happy with the life they on a smaller scale they did it to get away from life they didn't want so that they could Memory and Treadwell went to Bradley on a swimming scholarship, only to lose it because of a back injury. A point in their pasts where they differ is in substance bears as is â€Å"13 year sobriety plan†, Mishandles never had any problems like that.Although it may not have seemed like it, they both had purposes for doing what he did. They both may have died, but it was doing what they loved, and at the end of the day isn't that what we all want for ourselves? But it wasn't that easy, Mishandles didn't trust people and if he started to let himself respect and admire them, even though their travels didn't necessarily end the way they wanted, they didn't let what people thought stop them. They were proving to people that Just because you're given a few bad cards in the beginning, doesn't mean

Discrimination in Text and Discourse

Discussing about discourse is a linguistic term that views language in its social context as well as psycholinguistic; its approach is descriptive rather than prescriptive; as Michael Stubbs (1993, p. 10) noted, â€Å"it refers to attempts to study the organization of language †¦ and†¦ larger linguistic units such as conversational exchanges or written texts. † Primarily, it aims to investigate the language used in social interaction of two or more people in some given situations.Similarly, discourse studies have been defined by J.  Renkema (2004, p. 1) as â€Å"the discipline devoted to the investigation of the relationship between form and function in verbal communication† that are both context-based and situation-based. To explain further, the two discourse analyses, the descriptive and critical analysis differentiate types of discourses. Descriptive discourse analysis according to Patrick Doyle (2002, p. 625) â€Å"involves mention of characters and the ir actions;† this means, the action and the character of the person himself provide hint to the meaning of the message.Critical discourse on the other hand investigates the â€Å"effect of power and ideology in the production of meaning† (Wodak & Meyer, 2001, p. 3). Here, the analysis focuses on the â€Å"dominance† factor of a given culture that exhibits inequality in a society. These two approaches in discourse analysis are relevant for the explanation and interpretation of a text or verbal discourse and in the study of linguistic as a whole. Understanding of the meaning of a message may come in through the action of character of a person (descriptive and psycholinguistic), or through dominating/discriminating one or two social groups (critical/social context).Understanding of social context of language leads to understanding many discourses at schools, community, societies, and governments, in order to achieve the purpose of effective communication through the use of language. In the same manner, discourse analysis in the study of language through the use of different theories and model is a powerful tool towards achieving language competency. Kay O’Halloran (2006, p. 1) puts it, â€Å"Language studies are thus undergoing a major shift to account fully for meaning-making practices†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 

Friday, August 30, 2019

Prepare to report your recommendations Essay

Rosabeth Kanter (1979) argues that much of what is labeled â€Å"poor management† in organizations is simply individuals protecting their diminished power bases. Instead of criticizing these managers as incompetent, she proposes we bolster their feelings of personal power. If we solve the real problem of perceived lack of power, the undesirable symptoms of poor leadership often evaporate. This point of view is consistent with the principles discussed in this chapter. Assignment In this exercise, you are asked to give advice to individuals who feel powerless. For each of the situations below, form groups to explore opportunities for enhancing the power base of these three individuals. Prepare to report your recommendations. Situation 1: First-Line Supervisor Kate Shalene has been a first-line supervisor for six months. She was proud of her new promotion, but surprised to discover she felt increasingly powerless. Instead of being a stepping stone, this position was feeling more and more like a dead end. Managers above her were about her age and the hoped-for company expansion never materialized. She was not a central part of the organization, and she felt no one ever noticed her unless she messed up. She was expected to be supportive of her subordinates, but they never returned the favor. She was expected to absorb their flack without support from above. In general, she felt as though she was constantly â€Å"getting it from both ends. † Her job was extremely rule-bound, so she had little discretion in what she did or how she did it. She had only modest control over the pay or benefits of her subordinates, because their union agreement left very little flexibility. So she felt powerless to reward them or punish them in ways that really mattered. As a result, she found she was more and more apt to impose rules to get subordinates to do what she wanted. She became increasingly jealous of any successes and recognition achieved by her subordinates, so she tended to isolate them from people higher up in the organization and from complete information. She lost her penchant for informality and became increasingly rigid in following standard operating procedures. Predictably, her subordinates were becoming more resentful and less productive. Situation 2: Staff Professional Shawn Quinn came to the organization a year ago as a staff professional. He believed it might be a way for him to achieve considerable visibility with the top brass, but instead he felt isolated and forgotten. As a staff officer, he had almost no decision-making authority except in his narrow area of expertise. Most of what went on in the organization occurred without his involvement. Innovation and entrepreneurial activity were completely out of his realm. While some of the line officers were given opportunities for professional development, no one seemed to care about his becoming more experienced and capable. They saw him only as a specialist. Because his job didn’t require that he work with others, he had little opportunity to cultivate relationships that might lead to contacts with someone near the top. What hurt was that a consultant had been hired a few times to work on projects that were part of his area. If consultants could be brought in to do his work, he thought, he must not be very important to the organization. Shawn found himself being more and more turf conscious. He didn’t want others encroaching on his area of expertise. He tried to demonstrate his competence to others, but the more he did so, the more he became defined as a specialist, outside the mainstream of the organization. Overall, he felt he was losing ground in his career. Situation 3: Top Executive May Phelps has been a top executive for three years now. When she obtained the position, she felt that her ultimate career goal had been achieved. Now she was not so sure. Surprisingly, she discovered myriad constraints limiting her discretion and initiative. For example, the job had so many demands and details associated with it that she never had time to engage in any long-term planning. There always seemed to be one more crisis that demanded her attention. Unfortunately, most of the constraints were from sources she couldn’t control, such as government regulations, demands for greater accountability made by the board of directors and by stockholders, union relationships, equal opportunity statutes, and so on. She had built her reputation as a successful manager by being entrepreneurial, creative, and innovative, but none of those qualities seemed appropriate for the demands of her current work. Furthermore, because she was so mired in operations, she had become more and more out of touch with the information flow in the organization. Some things had to remain confidential with her, but her secrecy made others unwilling to share information with her. She had assistants who were supposed to be monitoring the organization and providing her with information, but she often felt they only told her what she wanted to hear. May had begun to hear rumors that certain special-interest groups were demanding her removal from the top job. She responded by becoming more dictatorial and defensive, with the result that the organization was becoming more control-oriented and conservative. She felt that she was on a downward spiral, but she couldn’t find a way to reverse the trend. â€Å"I always thought the saying ‘It’s lonely at the top’ was just a metaphor,† she mused.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Global Marketing Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Global Marketing Management - Essay Example into the Japanese market, they first employed situational analysis measures, which established that Japanese people accepted Coca Cola products and felt flamboyant when wearing jeans manufactured by the Jeans Wear company (Dibb and Lyndon 35). This paper will seek to write a report evaluating the entry of Pizza Haven Company into the Japanese market and analyze the marketing environment of Japan by examining the PEST analysis, Porter’s Five Forces, and SWOT analysis. Politically, Japan is today experiencing a state of political stability and to some level; one can say that the country is actually â€Å"abstaining from political violence†. Japan has a Monarchy form of governance. A monarchy is a form of governance where the monarch leads the country within the confines of the existing un-codified, blended, or written constitution (Sandhusen 40). In all cases, investors from overseas countries consider the aspect of political stability very much before opening their businesses. Since the Pizza Haven Company is willing to invest in Japan, it can choose to locate its premises in certain parts of the country where political stability is highest. In Japan, some provinces where political turmoil tends to hit first result to mass destruction (Buckley 33). By use of questionnaires, researchers established that, this country is indeed politically stable as there have been no cases of coup or high risks incurred due to political instability (Chapman 101) A new businessperson seeking to invest in an overseas country should consider investing in Japan. This is so because, this country has political freedom, officials uphold the rule of law well, and there are just a few bureaucracy cases. The country’s constitution guarantees investors general respect and offers a systemic platform for upholding the willpower of law making it ideal for Pizza Haven Company to invest in Japan (Gillespie and Hubert 58). This entails that, it is not easy to lose investments through either

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Traveling Abroad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Traveling Abroad - Essay Example Venezuela, Russia, South Korea and China, have also been enlisted to be ranked in the category of projecting unfriendliness towards foreign visitors (Cha, 2013). Nevertheless, as these places present some unique tourism cultures and attractions, tourists can take certain preventive measures when visiting these places. It is worth mentioning in this context that the top priority of every tourist or traveller should be to look forward to his/her own safety first and then, worry about their travelling experiences. An individual should also take into consideration certain essential facts before going for an international trip. Above all, the most important fact is that every foreign visitor, no matter to whichever nation they visit, should go through the past records of every foreign visitor related crime that occurred within that nation and take requisite measures thereto (U. S. Passport & International Travel, 2014). They should also have some formulated backup planning about how to save themselves in case they get into any sort of trouble. Apart from this, the travelers should also book travel packages through registered traveling agencies. Adding to that, they should continuously keep in touch with their family members or some local law authorities who might be helpful in case the travelling individuals get into any sort of trouble (U. S. Passport & International Travel, 2014). Moreover, every international airport is quite likely to maintain a certain degree of safety and an authoritative body who can provide necessary information on the risk rates of various areas within their countries. Apart from these safety measures, the tourists should also keep hold of their necessary identification documents. They should avoid high level of exposure and contact with local inhabitants as well. The visitors should further keep

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Choices and Decisions Enhancing Quality of Life Essay

Choices and Decisions Enhancing Quality of Life - Essay Example There has to be a proper arrangement of items in the environment so that it becomes presentable and lacking healthy hazards that can Habor diseases and other unwanted elements. Personal responsibility refers to the concept of people to having the ability to make choices, instigate or even cause their actions in different ways (Roth, 2005). When we make decisions that results in to certain actions and behavior, it is prudent that we can be legally liable or accountable for the outcomes. In this case, personal responsibility becomes different from the notion that human behavior and actions are brought about by factors beyond the control of the person himself (Pryor, 2010). It is important to note that all people have the ability to create an effective and reliable atmosphere where they can live harmoniously with other people. For this reason, it is important for people to understand that social power is something that I within everyone’s ability and control. In this understandin g, people are supposed to assume different levels of personal responsibility in order to have social power in the same way they places personal responsibility for political behavior (Greenfield, 2011). Many instances have been witnessed of people blaming the state of governance and social welfare in the community, while blaming it on the leaders in government, they always forget that it is their actions and choices in the voting process that placed them in power. This example illustrates the fact that people have to be responsible for their actions whether it is on the political, social or economic front. Personal responsibility is all about value creation, such that just as all values are personal so should be the decision to be responsible.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Discharge planning of a patient using a patient profile Essay

Discharge planning of a patient using a patient profile - Essay Example These readmissions crop up as a result of mistakes resulting from lack of proper care for the patients after discharge, or discontinuation of medication (DOH, 2005). Low health literacy being in high rates gives rise to increased rates of re-hospitalisation, especially, in urban patients, who earn low income. Lack of coordination between the in-patient and out-patient process, boosts the risk of readmission in hospitals, together with gaps in social care and supports. Primary care physicians find it hard to understand the complex process of hospitalisation, since the inpatient care is provided in the hospitals (Bortwick et al., 2009). A discharge plan is the key tool used by the primary care- providers so as to go on with the care of the patient. Therefore, a safe and comprehensive discharge plan is essential when discharging a patient, in order to aid the primary care providers and social workers in their duties. A discharge plan Discharge is a vital component of care management in any aspect. It makes sure that social care and health systems remain proactive when supporting patients, their families and carers, when there is the need to go home, or move to a different setting (SPLG, 2010). Mr. Sharma, 87 years old man has been hospitalized and, due to the considerable progress he has made in recovery, he will be discharged after ten days. A safe and comprehensive discharge plan needs to be developed which will suit him, and which will ensure his recovery without re-hospitalisation. Mr. Sharma’s discharge plan is supposed to prepare the home for him, to meet all his needs, reduce the probability of readmission, as well as saving on social care services (SPLG, 2010). Putting in mind that Mr. Sharma has multiple conditions, an open wound, he is taking many drugs, and that he is an old man, the following discharge plan will best suit him. A discharge plan will help his carers after he is discharged, to coo rdinate services and care (Katikireddi and Cloud, 2009). This paper will address the probable problems, the interventions, and the rationale behind the decisions made. Problem The patient is an old man aged 87 years old. Outcome Being an old person, the patient requires careful and extra care since he is exceptionally delicate. Close supervision should be done always to ensure all the medical requirements are done (Lindenberg, 2010). Intervention 1. Meet with the family members and the carers of the patient, in order to discover who takes care of the patient most time, prior to discharge (Roberts, 2002). 2. Explain the need to have a person close to Mr. Sharma always, and close supervision. 3. Ensure that the patient will be kept busy and occupied. This can be through the provision of a television set or even constant company, to avoid boredom. 4. Discover if there is polypharmacy. Rationale The patient is an elderly person and hence the need to meet with the family members and the carers to enlighten them on the complications faced by old people after discharge, and the factors that can lead to readmission. According to the National Service Frame work for older people, old people are likely to suffer multiple complications, unlike, young people. They can have different conditions requiring different and specific treatment (DOH, 2001). The need to meet with the family members and carers of the patient is to make them understand how to care for the old person to reduce the case of readmission. The elderly patient needs a person close to him to monitor

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Microcirculation and Blood Pressure Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Microcirculation and Blood Pressure - Assignment Example Notably, the enormous amount of protein in the urine leads to water and salt retention in the kidney. This situation often leads to increased build-up of fluid including blood in the limbs and lungs. These fluid usually leak from the legs’ capillaries into the interstitial spaces. Measurement of blood pressure is never an easy task, as the process often seems. Notably, some doctors often do not follow the right procedure in carrying out this process. The detailed minor process should be carried out to ensure that accurate measurements are obtained. Blood pressure in everyone’s body often fluctuates rapidly (Porth and Porth, 2011). Moreover, the complex body system often affects and regulates the blood pressure. For instance, standing up may lead to rise or fall in blood pressure. Therefore, when measuring one’s blood pressure, the involved doctor should advise his or her patient to sit in some definite positions. Closing of legs or hanging of a patient’s arms too low will automatically raise such patients’ blood pressure thereby leading wrong blood pressure reading. Thus, numerous guidelines are in effect and should be followed properly while measuring blood pressure to ensure accurate results (Porth and Porth,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Pursuing a Business Strategy of Offshoring to India Essay

Pursuing a Business Strategy of Offshoring to India - Essay Example Offshoring has been a modern trend in business management. Offshoring is actually outsourcing that crosses national boundaries. It means giving some business functions previously done inside the organization in another country. The organization has to focus on its core competencies and skills and outsource the other important functions to companies located in other countries. The example of Nike is very characteristic. Nike preferred to focus on marketing and product design since these are the sectors that it believes they are its core competencies and outsource production to other countries.There has been a long discussion concerning outsourcing and British Trade Unions and US politicians have been campaigning to stop offshoring. The logic behind their campaigning is that outsourcing contributes to the rise of local unemployment rates.On the other hand, recent studies have shown that for every dollar in US outsourcing created value of 78 cents whereas for the foreign country the val ue was 22 cents.This positive side is reinforced by the fact that offshoring contributed to the economic development of underdeveloped countries. In addition, it has been argued that professionals in countries such as India exhibit a high level of professionalism and education than their counterparts in Western countries.Offshoring has also certain problems i.e. the difference in cultures and communication problems. However, it can act as a talent pool to countries engaged in offshoring (Haag and Cooper 2006).

Friday, August 23, 2019

FDI in Venezuela's Petroleum Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

FDI in Venezuela's Petroleum Industry - Essay Example At times governmental institutions make decisions based on erroneous information. Venezuela believed in the 1970’s and 1980’s closing the market of its petroleum industry was the best course of action. The governmental nationalism of the industry impeded access to foreign investors. Nationalism refers to the devotion to the interest or culture of one nation (Answer, 2009). A commodity in reality should not be categorized in that manner. Venezuelan made major changes after 1991 to revive its petroleum industry. The topics covered in the answers of the case study provide an analysis of the changes that occurred in the Venezuelan petroleum industry during the past 20 years. 1.In 1976 the Venezuelan government made the decision of nationalizing its oil industry in an attempt to keep this valuable resource away from the hands of greedy foreign oil companies. The plan seemed like a good noble idea at the time, but the reality was that the country made a serious error of judgment. The idea was to save the natural resource so that the Venezuelan people could reap the benefits of having its own crude oil for domestic purposes. The naive and inexperienced management team at the petroleum plant was so incompetent that they failed to develop new oil fields to replace the depletion of existing reserves. Venezuela thought it could become richer by running the operation themselves and keeping complete control. The idea that by keeping foreigners away from the oil would benefit the people of Venezuela the most was a nationalist egocentrism mentality that doomed the Venezuela oil industry.

Social responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Social responsibility - Essay Example This would mean that such businesses would do anything to evade the monolithic trends, which could be adversarial economically. Usually, a number of corporates engage in social responsibilities for their own reasons, even if the motives behind their participations raise questions. As a way of showing charity and concern for the surrounding community, most corporates participate in certain social responsibility programs in which they too stand to gain. In essence, the main motivation behind the participation in corporate social responsibilities for most corporates include gaining public trust, indicating business diplomacy, and as a way of looking into the welfare of the employees. Perhaps it is important to reveal that these corporates merely masquerade under the guise of such virtues while their main objective in this course is to set a defensive maneuver against a wide array of critics as to the manner in which they make profits. In ardent efforts to protect their profits, these big companies stage-manage their social responsibility programs as to paint a self-righteous light in the public gallery while in real sense they run the risk of being perceived as being self-conscious. Since the competition in the corporate world is rather heightened, most corporates come up with various strategies including the nonprofit approach towards certain aspects of their businesses. This could be because of either flopping in the market or simply trying to settle business scores. Nonetheless, it is incumbent upon organizations to show that they care about the public and that their efforts are not only reflected in the huge protest that they make but instead incorporating social responsibility into their management plans. In the contemporary world, Marxism is the way to go for the corporates as capitalism only erodes the integrity of the companies. This means that a good company in social

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Analysing an Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestly Essay Example for Free

Analysing an Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestly Essay In the closing scene of the play the main focus is on Eddie and how badly he wants his name back and he is willing to do anything to get it, even kill if he has to. When Rodolpho comes and kisses Eddies hand, it is showing that Rodolpho is willing to settle for half, which links back to Alfieris prologue, this demonstrates the fact that Rodolpho knows he has been caught and that Marco will have to go back to Italy but he doesnt mind as long as he can be friends with the uncle of his bride. Rodolpho, by coming to apologise s really trying to protect Marco because he knows what he is going to do, as later on he says Eddie, please, he has children! You will kill a family! we know then that this is leading up to the climax of the play and then the resolution. First of all Eddie only wants is him to come here and apologise to him but later on when Rodolpho does come to apologise his demands change and he now wants his name back because Marco publicly shamed him when he shouted I accuse that one he also said he killed my children! That one stole the food from my children! because Marco will now no longer be able to work in America, he will not be able to earn money to send back to Italy to feed his children. After he shouted this out in the neighbourhood and everyone knows that Eddie Carbone snitched he only wants his name and reputation back. When Marco appears (his eyes are murderous and he cracks his knuckles)we are given an indication here that Eddie is going to do something to Marco, although he tries to stay positive by saying maybe he come to apologise to me. After this we are brought to the climax of the play Eddie (lunges for Marco) and Marco instantaneously strikes Eddie in return. As the inevitable happens and the knife is plunged into Eddie by Marco and the crowd rush in to separate them Marco has delivered his own justice upon Eddie but with a knife and not using the law like Alfieri suggested he do. This is the climax of the play and has terrible consequences for both of the characters as there search for justice ends simultaneously, because Eddie is dead so can no longer have justice and Marco has killed Eddie so has carried out his own justice. In Alfieris epilogue he again raises the fact that most of the time now we settle for half but this is not something which Marco was willing to do, he wanted justice and there was nothing that was going to stop him. Conclusively, miller communicates strong themes of law and justice in the play. Each character has their own views on what is right and what is wrong. The differences between the Sicilian society and the American society also play a large part. This is shown when Marco says that Eddie would be dead by now if he was in Italy because he had snitched on the two brothers. This is probably why Marco wanted to deliver his own justice because thats what he would do in his own country. Also Eddie hadnt actually done anything wrong in the eyes of the law, in fact it was commendable by the law because he reported illegal immigrants, and it was the fact that he betrayed relatives that needed justifying.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Samsung Vs Nokia Finacial Analysis Critical Evaluation Marketing Essay

Samsung Vs Nokia Finacial Analysis Critical Evaluation Marketing Essay In todays era of digital there are companies drifted towards the digital technology. The company Samsung has made his position in the market by themselves and now days recognised as the most innovative and good quality brand in the sector of electronic industry. The Samsung follow the policy of we will devote out human resources and technologies to create superior products and services thereby contributing a better global society. In this assignment there is financial analysis of the Samsung Company in relation to the last five years summary. The various aspects are discussed critically in this assignment work. In addition to this there is comparison of the Samsung Company with respect to the Nokia Company a big rival of the Samsung Company in the market. There is comparison of the financial positions of both of the companies to make the differentiation between their strategies so they in future they can be benefited by this. The Samsung Company is famous company in the area of electronic industry. This company was established in 1969 in Taegu, Korea. The founder of this company was Byung Chull Lee. At the very first time the company has started business with the manufacturing of Black and White TVs. At the early period of time the company was at the steady growth and after the end of year 2004 the company has got about the sale of  £52 billion and has assets about  £38 Billion. At this time the company had employed approximately 113 thousand at the worldwide. In this year the company got the competitive advantage too as it go ahead to its competitive rivals like Kodak, Philips, and Panasonic etc. (Barney and Hesterly, 2008, PC-2 -1). At that time the company involved in the manufacturing of TVs, Computers and Av equipments, Mobile Phones, Networking Equipments, LCD Screens, Notebook computers, Laptops, HDTVs , Washing Machines and other electronic equipments etc. (Barney and Hesterly, 2008, PC-2 -6) . According to the company the success they achieved is purely depend on their contribution that how they manage their company in an effective way by considering the things like contribution to society and mutual prosperity at the worldwide level among the people. The chairman of the company has told that the group of Samsung always guide their employees to pat emphasise over the efficiency and design of the products. Under the observation of the formal chairman the company able to attain the leading position in the electronic market (Barney and Hesterly, 2008, PC-2 -6). In relation to this the below diagram has shown the organisational structure of the company. Source- Samsung 2008 (www.samsung.com) Financial Analysis of the Company (Samsung) The Samsung is continued to grow and gain profit in the market at high rate. From the financial statement of the last five years of the company has clearly showed that how the company is on the track of the progress. From year 2005 to 2010 there is increase in the net profit of the company. For the year 2005 the company has gained the profit with 31 % but in the next year it was decreased by 1 % and become 30% then for the coming consecutive years there is decrease as that was recession period but still in recession it made the profit of 28% in both 2007 and 2008. For the further improvement in next year of 2009 there is total gross profit is by 33.5 % and fro the next and present year of 2010 the company has the highest profit of 35.3 % as a gross profit of the company. From the financial statement given in the appendixes it is clear that the company has got the improvement in last five years. Till year 2010 there is total assets of the company are 125,677 billion as Korean KRW. Source http://www.corporateinformation.com/Company-Snapshot.aspx?cusip=C410P0400 Ratio Analysis of the company Samsung The following table show the ratios for the company over last five years. The different ratios find in the table are ROE in which there are ratios of Profitability, assets turnover ratio and leverages are included and there is average ration of ROE is given. For the next there is Debt/ equity ratio for the five years followed by the Net debt/equity ratio and in the last column there is total earnings per share are given. ROE = NPM * TAT * A/E = ROA * A/E Financial Ratios 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 ROE 19.6 17.7 14.3 9.3 17.5 22.5 Profitability (Net Income/Sales) 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.11 Asset Turnover (Sales/Asset) 1.12 1.10 1.13 1.22 1.50 1.32 Leverage (Asset/Equity) 1.84 1.74 1.68 1.67 1.53 1.54 Debt /Equity 39.5 30.2 25.9 27.7 12.9 12.9 Net Debt/Equity 15.3 9.8 4.8 6.5 -15.7 -12.6 Earnings per share KRW 149,969 52,880 49,502 37,684 20,731 28,842 The ratios are calculated from the balance sheet and income statements for the last five years of the company. The ratios calculated are shown in the following table for the years 2005-2010. Introduction to Nokia The company Nokia has started in year 1856 at the banks of Nokianvirta River. The company at that time is major force in the industry. After that it undergoes merger with Cable Company to enter into the market of electronic by the name of Nokia Corporation. The new company successfully entered into the market and play a pioneering role in the area of mobile communications. Due to the globalisation the company soon grow at fast pace and there is good position attained by the company. The most strategic decision taken by the company was in 1992 that to concentrate on the telecommunication business only. At present the Nokia Corporation  is engaged in the business of communication and manufacturing of the mobile. This company is at the number one position in the market. The company had over 123000 employees at present working in the company. The company has its roots in 120 countries of the world. The annual sale of the company is 41 Euro billion and has profit about 1.2 euro Billion as on the year of 2009. This company is recognised as the worlds largest manufacturer of mobile phones and even it provides the navigation system too in addition. The market shares of the company was 30% of the global market in the third quarter of year 2010 operating profit of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1.2 billion as of 2009. It is the worlds largest manufacturer of  mobile telephones: its global device  market share  was 30% in the third quarter 2010, but this value is less than to year 2009 when it was 34 %. The Nokia is continuing to growing by introducing advance technology according to the global need s of the society and market. Financial analysis of Nokia For the financial analysis of Nokia there is consideration of the annual statements for the last five years of Nokia and also there is consideration of the balance sheet of the Nokia for the last five years from 2005- 2009. The following table is formulated for the explanation purpose to analyse the financial position of the company. Financial years 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Fixed Assets 12 125 15 112 8 305 4 031 3 501 Current assets 23 613 24 470 29 294 18 586 18 951 Total equity 14 749 16 510 17 338 12 060 12 514 Long term liabilities 5 801 2 717 1 286 396 268 Current liabilities 15 188 20 355 18 976 10 161 9 670 Total Assets 35738 39582 37599 22617 22452 Ration Analysis of Nokia The following table shows the ratio analysis of the company on the bases of above table which represents the overall financial statement of the company. Ratio analysis 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 ROE Profitability Net profit margin 6.5 2.92 0.63 7.5 9.79 7.86 53.5 15.64 14.11 35.5 13.35 10.47 27.1 13.57 10.58 Equity ratio 41.9 42.3 46.7 54.0 56.4 Net Debt/Equity Return on Assets -25 0.73 -14 10.08 -62 19.16 -69 19.04 -77 16.22 From above table of ratios it has been seen that there is deterioration in the ROE ratios from 2007 to 2008 and from 2008 to 2009. There is also deterioration in the ROA ratio with the same pace. Comparison of Nokia and Samsung The both companies are reputed companies in the mobile sector. The Nokia is leading than the Samsung Company. At present the nokia is number one company but there is deterioration in the sales of the company and even in the ratios of the company if it continues it will be hard for the company to compete with its rivals. On the other hand the company Samsung is continue to grow. There is continue growth has seen in the company. As from the financial analysis of the company and the ratios calculated it has seen that at present the company has raised itself from the 15th position to the 5th position and this is milestone in the history of telecommunication industry. The company is continuing on this track to progress. The following presentation shows the comparison between these two companies. Nokia 2009 Samsung 2009 Position in Market 1st 5th Operating income ( 1716) 8973 Net profit 0.63 % 15.4% From above table it is clear that Samsung is making profit regularly. On the other hand there is continues deterioration in the Nokia from last four consecutive years. Vendor 1Q10 Unit Shipments 1Q10 Market Share 1Q09 Unit Shipments 1Q09 Market Share Year-over-year Change 1. Nokia 107.8 36.6% 93.2 38.4% 15.7% 2. Samsung 64.3 21.8% 45.9 18.9% 40.1% Source http://www.palminfocenter.com/news/6470/worldwide-mobile-phone-market-grows-22/ Conclusion From the above report it is concluded that the financial analysis is very important for the companies in every field. This is useful in find out the level of company and moreover this is useful in having comparison with the other companies so that for the future welfare possible steps should be taken. The financial analysis make the company knows about the finance they have to spend and where they need to spend this. This even gives the evaluation for the profit and loss for the company.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Leadership style in national oil corporation

Leadership style in national oil corporation CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Libya is a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and holds the largest proven oil reserves in Africa. Libya has attracted hydrocarbon exploration since 1956, when the first wildcat oil well was drilled onshore in the Sirte Basin. Libya granted multiple concessions to Esso, Mobil, Texas Gulf, and others, resulting in major oil discoveries by 1959. The government dominates Libyas economy through control of oil resources, which account for approximately 95% of export earnings, 75% of government receipts, and over 50% of GDP. The National Oil Corporation was established in 1970. It dominates Libyas oil industry, along with a number of smaller subsidiaries, which combined account for around half of the countrys oil output.   Figure 1.1the map of Libya describes Gas Pipeline, Oil Pipeline, Oil Field, Liquefied Gas Planet Oil Terminal (Oil Exporting harbor) and Petroleum refining which owned and controlled by National Oil Corporation in Libya.  Ã‚   National Oil Corporation is carrying out exploration and production operations through its own affiliated companies, or in participation with other companies under service contracts or any other kind of petroleum investment agreements. This is in addition to marketing operations of oil and gas, locally and abroad. NOC has its own fully owned companies which carry out exploration, development and production operations, in addition to local and international marketing companies. NOC also has participation agreements with specialized international companies. Such agreements have developed into exploration and production sharing agreements, in accordance with the development of the international oil and gas industry, and international petroleum marketing. The National Oil Corporation of Libya (NOC) is a state-owned company that controls Libyas oil and gas production. The company is the biggest oil producer in Africa. Its mandate was to endeavor to promote the Libyan economy by undertakin g development, management and exploitation of oil resources as well as by participating in planning and executing the general oil policy of the state. The Brega Petroleum Marketing Company, a subsidiary of NOC, was set up to carry out the marketing activities of NOC, and the marketing assets of all the foreign oil companies were nationalized. A point of thatduring the past four decades, the impact of leadership styles on organizational performance has been a topic of interest among academics and practitioners working in the area of leadership (Darwish, 1998; Sadler, 2003; Rowe et al., 2005; Gadot,2007; Yiing, and Zaman Ahmad, 2009). The researcher would like to examine how leadership style influences organization performance in Libya in (NOC). Rowe et al (2005) pointed out that the most prominent reason for this interest is the widespread belief that leadership can affect organizations performance (Jing and Avery, 2008). In addition, the creation of a state-owned oil company allowed Libya to follow in the footsteps of other oil-producing economies, where control of such a revenue-generating resource lay with the government. Soon after its establishment, NOC signed a joint venture agreement with the U.S. Occidental Petroleum involving production-sharing. In 1971, NOC arranged a processing deal with Sincat of Italy for refining oil products for domestic consumption, thereby providing a cheap supply of oil for internal Libyan consumption. A joint drilling company was formed with Saipem, a subsidiary of the Italian ENI, in early 1972. By April 1974, production-sharing agreements had been reached with Exxon, Mobil, Compagnie Franà §aise des Pà ©troles, Elf Aquitaine, and Agip. By using the surplus funds and technical expertise of the foreign oil companies, the problem of stimulating investment in exploration was resolved. In 1980, the Libyan Arabian Gulf Oil Company (Agoco) was established by NOC throug h the amalgamation of the Arabian Gulf Exploration Company, Umm-al-Jawabi Oil Company, and direct NOC exploration and production interests. NOC continued to make production-sharing agreements. In 2004, NOCs estimated crude oil output was 1.623 million barrels per day. The company hoped to raise its production to two million barrels per day by 2007. Figure 1.2 below shows the revenue of National Oil Corporation in Libya from (1999 to 2009).   This study set out to investigate whether there is an interrelation between transformational leadership style and organizational culture, and the effect of organizational culture on the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational commitment and job satisfaction in the National Oil Corporation in Libya.   In particular, our knowledge would benefit from an understanding of how leadership and organizational culture affect job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The study examines Libya National Oil Corporation in relation to leadership style in the organization. Thus, the study also would like to explore an organizational culture of the National Oil Corporation and finally how does leadership style in particular transformational leadership style may influence the National Oil Corporation progresses.   The subject of leadership is interesting for many researchers. In addition, the continued search for good leaders has resulted in the development of many leadership theories (Mosadegh and Yarmohammadian, 2006). According to Oluseyi and Ayo (2009) Leadership is a central feature of organizational performance. This is an essential part of management activities of people and directing their efforts towards the goals and objectives of the organization. There must be an appropriate form of behavior to enhance performance. Leadership might be viewed in terms of the role of the leaders and their ability to achieve effective performance from others. In recent years, leadership has been studied in various ways, depending on the researchers methodological preferences and definition of leadership (Chen, 2002; Reuvers, et al., 2008; Gadot, 2007). Oluseyi and Ayo (2009) defined Leadership as the moral and intellectual ability to visualize and work for what is best for the company and its employees. Good management and effective leadership help to develop team work and the integration of individual and group goals. On the other hand, Kenny and Zaccaro (1983) suggested that leaders to be successful need a behavioral repertoire and the ability to select the right role for the situation. To do this, leaders need both cognitive and behavioral complexity and flexibility a leader needs the ability to perceive the needs and goals of a constituency and the ability to adjust ones personal approach to group action (Leban and Zulauf 2004). Therefore, Mosadeghrad et al (2006) pointed out that while there are several styles of leadership such as: autocratic, bureaucratic, laissez-faire, charismatic, democratic, participative, situational, transactional, and transformational leadership. Not everyone agrees that a particular style of leadership will result in the most effective form of organizational behavior. Different styles were needed for different situations and each leader needed to know when to exhibit a particular approach. No one leadership style is ideal for every situation, since a leader may have knowledge and skills to act effectively in one situation but may not emerge as effectively in a different situation. In contrast, Darwish (1998) pointed out that there is wide disagreement among scholars with regard to effective leadership style. For instance, Brozik (1994) argues that no one type of leadership style is the best in all situations. The leader, subordinates and the environment or the task determine the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of each style Kur (1995) believes that effectiveness in leading is directly related to the leaders way of thinking about him, subordinates, organization and environment. Likert   (1977)argue that the participative style is more productive in any culture. In the last three decades many scholars had received increasing attention to two new paradigms called transformational leadership and transactional leadership where the interests of the study are. It added a new dimension to organizational studies, namely the visionary aspect of leadership and the emotional involvement of employees within an organization. The basic notion is that a visionary leader can create an impression that he has high competence and a vision to achieve success (Jing and Avery, 2008). According to Bass (1985) developed a theory of visionary or transformational leadership whereby the leader inspires and activates subordinates to perform beyond normal expectations (Jing and Avery, 2008). The study would like to examine this in National Oil Corporation in Libya. On other hand, Lowe et al., (1996) pointed out that there are four dimensions of transformational leadership style such as: Idealized influence or charisma, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. (Bass et al., 2003; Piccolo and Colquitt, 2006), defined these dimensions for transformational leadership as follows: Idealized influence or Charisma is the degree to which leaders behave in such a charismatic way that followers identify with them. Inspirational motivation is the degree to which leaders articulate visions for the future that appeal to followers. Intellectual stimulation is the degree to which leaders challenge assumptions, take risks, and solicit followers ideas. Individualized consideration is the degree to which leaders attend to followers needs, act as mentors or coaches, and listen to followers concerns. Bass, (1985), Burns (1978) Leadership is considered a factor that has a major influence on the performance of organizations, managers and employees. More recently, researchers have focused mainly on the subordinates perspective and proposed two main facets of leadership transactional and transformational. This theory suggests that transformational leadership, more than transactional leadership, has a stronger positive effect on employees attitudes towards their job, their job environment, and ultimately affects their work performance. Oluseyi and Ayo (2009) pointed out that leadership is a central feature of organizational performance. This is an essential part of management activities of people and directing their efforts towards the goals and objectives of the organization. There must be an appropriate form of behavior to enhance performance. Leadership might be viewed in terms of the role of the leaders and their ability to achieve effective performance from others. On the other hand, Xenikou and Simosi (2006) suggested that organizational culture and transformational leadership have been theoretically and empirically linked to organizational effectiveness. During the 1990s a number of comparative studies on the culture-performance link showed that certain culture orientations are conducive to performance. Lok and Crawford (2004) pointed out that organizational culture can influence how people set personal and professional goals, perform tasks and administer resources to achieve them. Organizational culture affects the way in which people consciously and subconsciously think make decisions and ultimately the way in which they perceive. While other researchers has suggested that organizational culture can exert considerable influence in organizations particularly in areas such as performance and commitment. Bass (1985) said that transformational leaders frequently change their organizations culture with a new vision and revision of its shared assumptions values and norms. In a transformational culture, there is generally a sense of purpose and a feeling of family. Superiors feel a personal obligation to help new members assimilate into the culture. Assumptions, norms, and values do not preclude individuals from pursuing their own goals and rewards. In addition, Bass (1985) mentioned that transformational qualities lead to performance beyond expectations in organizational settings. A study of Ogbonna and Harris (2000) organizational culture and leadership finds that the two areas have been independently linked to organizational performance. A little critical research attention has been devoted to understand the links between the leadership and culture also and the impact that such an association might have on organizational performance (Ogbonna and Harris, 2000). Organizational commitment is an important employee attribute from the organizations perspective. Several studies have found relationships between high-commitment human resource policies and positive organizational outcomes such as productivity, quality, and profitability (Perryer and Jordan 2005). Organizational commitment has been studied in relation to employee performance there is still considerable controversy surrounding the precise nature of the relationship. While there is some evidence to suggest that organizational commitment is a mediating variable between leadership and performance. Consequently, studies that examine the complex relationships and interaction between these variables will be of value to management theorists and practitioners. Lok and Crawford (2004) said that organizational commitment and job satisfaction have received significant attention in studies of the work place. This is due to the general recognition that these variables can be the major determinants of organizational performance and effectiveness. A numerous of studies in the area of job satisfaction and organizational commitment have been asserted that leadership and organizational culture have significant impact on both job satisfaction and organizational commitment (Chen and Francesco, 2000; Mathieu and Zajac, 1990; Williams and Hazer, 1986). Lok and Crawford (2004) had the same result in his research which has been done to make comparative between Hong Kong and Australian managers the result confirms that organizational culture and leadership styles are important organizational antecedents of job satisfaction and commitment. However, the influence of national culture on leadership styles, organizational culture and their subsequent effects on employees job satisfaction and organizational commitment were not explored intensively enough in National Oil Corporation in Libya. To choose National Oil Corporation in Libya for the current study because Libya is a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). It holds the largest proven oil reserves in Africa which make it as one of the most important oil-producing countries in Africa and in the world. Therefore, petroleum sector in Libya is very important sector which is like the backbone of Libyan economy. In this context, National Oil Corporation of Libya (NOC) is a state-owned company that controls Libyas oil and gas production. The company is the biggest oil producer in Africa. Its mandate was to endeavor to promote the Libyan economy by undertaking development, management and exploitation of oil resources as well as by participating in planning and executing the general oil policy of the state. In additionally, the study expected to offer some useful information of leadership style in National Oil Corporation in Libya, and hopes that this useful information can help to contribute building knowledge and an understanding in this filed in National Oil Corporation in Libya. 1.2 Purpose of Research Study The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between transformational leadership, organizational culture, with job satisfaction and organizational commitment in National Oil Corporation in Libya. Cameron and Quinn (1999) pointed out that numerous studies report the most frequent reason given for the failure of planned organizational change was due to a neglect of the organizational culture. According to Schneider (2000) Organizational culture is a key to organizational success, and effective leadership is the means by which the culture is created and managed. Understanding organizational culture is an important activity for managers because it affects strategic development, productivity and learning at all levels of management (Twati and Gammack, 2006). The relationship between transformational leadership style and organizational culture was examined by some researchers such as Xenikou and Simosi (2006), who asserted in his study that organizational culture had direct impact on organization performance while transformational leadership had indirect positive influence on performance through its impact achievement orientation. This study showed that organizational culture mediates the effect of transformational leadership on performance. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to accept or reject the suppositions that there is a relationship between transformational leadership style organizational culture with job satisfaction and organization commitment in National Oil Corporation in Libya. Therefore, Yiing and Bin Ahmad (2009) pointed out that leaders behaviors have positive and significant relationship with organizational commitment. On the other hand, cultures have significant moderating effects on the relationship between leadership behaviors and organizational commitment. However, the main academic purpose of this study is to make a contribution in leadership field behaviors on culture and on organization behavior in the petroleum sector in Libya. 1.3 Problem Statement The oil sector is the most important sector in Libya. Libya is one of the most important oil-producing countries in Africa and in the world and that the interest in this sector is very important. Therefore, this sector needs professionals leaders who can achieve all the goals of both employees and organization. An organization short on capital can borrow money, and one with a poor location can move. But an organization short on leadership has little chance for survival (Darwish, 1998).   A set of characteristics that help leaders to achieve the plans, programs, policies and strategy that have been developed and the advancement of their respective organizations. The most important of these characteristics experience, decision-making, knowledge and to deal with the environmental variables that may occur both within and outside the organization. The weakness of these skills and characteristics makes it difficult for leaders to carry out its functions and achieve organizations goals. Therefore, Chen (2002) found that transformational leadership behaviors have a slightly positive relationship with organizational commitment. While Harris and Mossholder (1996), pointed out that organizational culture stands as the center from which all other factors of human resource management derive. It is believed to influence individuals attitudes concerning outcomes, such as commitment, motivation, morale, and satisfaction. In addition, Bass (1985) have mentioned that demonstrates the relationship between leadership and culture by examining the impact of different styles of leadership on culture. He argues that transformational leaders frequently work towards changing the organizational culture in line with their vision. Similarly, Brown (1992) observes that good leaders need to develop the skills that enable them to alter aspects of their culture in order to improve their organizational performance. The leaders of National Oil Corporation have to know that organizational culture, organization commitment and job satisfaction are very important factors can help them to achieve the goals of the organization, and these variables enhance organization performance. In short, and based to what has been mentioned above, this study is trying to clarify the relationship between transformational leadership style organizational culture with job satisfaction and organizational commitment in National Oil Corporation in Libya. Which the researcher believes it does not exist in Libya National Oil Corporation. Specifically, the relationship between transformational leadership style organizational culture with job satisfaction and organizational commitment and how organizational culture effect the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational commitment and job satisfaction   in National Oil Corporation in Libya. The research questions are as follows: Is there any relationship between transformational leadership style organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) in National Oil Corporation in Libya? Is there any relationship between transformational leadership style job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya? Is there any relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocracy) in National Oil Corporation in Libya? Does Organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocracy) have any effect on the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) in National Oil Corporation in Libya? Does Organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocracy) have any effect on the relationship between transformational leadership style with job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya? Is there any relationship between organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) with job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya? 1.4 Focus and Research Objectives The overall objective of this study is to examine the role of leadership style in the National Oil Corporation in Libya. The specific objective in this study is to clarify the relationship between transformational leadership style with job satisfaction and organizational commitment while organizational culture is the mediate variable in the National Oil Corporation in Libya. The study expected to offer some useful information of leadership style in oil sector in Libya, and hopes that this useful information can help to contribute building knowledge and an understanding in this filed in National Oil Corporation in Libya. The breakdown of these objectives yields the following specific objectives: To determine the nature of the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) in National Oil Corporation in Libya. To determine the nature of the relationship between transformational leadership style with job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. To determine the nature of the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocracy) in National Oil Corporation in Libya. To determine the effect of organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocracy) on the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) in National Oil Corporation in Libya.   To determine the effect of organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocracy) on the relationship between transformational leadership style with job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. To determine the nature of the relationship between organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) with job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. 1.5 Rationale of Study Previous studies have examined the link between leadership paradigms and behaviors and have shown a positive relationship, none has explained the nature of this connection, and therefore, how and why leadership affects performance. Future research needs to address this deficiency. In sum, based on the above discussion, there are many problems and gaps in existing studies of the leadership performance relationship that need to be addressed before a clear picture of this relationship can be drawn (Jing and Avery, 2008). Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between transformational leadership, organizational culture with job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the Notional Oil Corporation in Libya. Therefore, the topic of leadership is very important to the organization performance and the entire petroleum sector. Leaders can set the direction of the organization and it is very significance issue can lead the organization to achieve their goals. To do this study in the Notional Oil Corporation in Libya because Libya is the one of the (OPEC) organization and this sector is very important which is like the backbone of Libyan economy. Therefore, organization culture influences organization performance and also the employees. Organization culture influence perceptions of employees towards investors of technology transfer. Additionally, try to add useful information to improve our knowledge for this field in Libya. 1.6 Significance of Study This study is important for several reasons, to make a positive view of transformational leadership style in the National Oil Corporation in Libya. To clarify the problems and barriers encountered in application of transformational leadership style programs in the National Oil Corporation in Libya in the context to the case included in this study.   In addition, to clarify the role of leadership to improve organization performance in the National Oil Corporation in Libya and to what extent this leadership succeeded to achieve organizations goals. On the other hand, this study is an attempt to participate in and contribute to research resulting in knowledge increases. Assist scholars, and other researches in leadership field. The researcher achieved that the leadership style and organizational culture play a significant role to effect organizational commitment and job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. In particular, how transformational leadership style and organizational culture can impact organizational commitment and job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. Finally, the researcher achieved the nature of  Ã‚   the relationship between all these concepts such as transformational leadership style, organizational culture, job satisfaction and organizational commitment in National Oil Corporation in Libya. 1.7 Definition of Terms 1.7.1 Leadership Leadership, like most other concepts in social sciences, has no single or unique definition. It has been defined differently by different authors. Leadership is defined as â€Å"the process of influencing employees to work toward the achievement of objectives.† While others defined leadership as a management function, which is mostly directed towards people and social interaction, as well as the process of influencing people so that they will achieve the goals of the organization.   1.7.2 Leadership Style Leadership style is theway to understand why leaders, faced with seemingly identical situations, use such different decision processes. Leadership style can be viewed as a series of managerial attitudes, behaviors, characteristics and skills based on individual and organizational values, leadership interests and reliability of employees in different situations. In the other meaning, it is the ability of a leader to influence subordinates to performing at their highest capability. 1.7.3 Transformational leadership Transformational leadership is   grooms followers into future leaders by giving them freedom to control their behavior, elevates followers concerns from physical to psychological needs, inspires subordinates to consider group rather than self interests, and communicates desired outcomes to let subordinates perceive changes as worthwhile†. While others said that transformational leadership, the leader motivates followers by inspiring them, setting challenges and motivating personal development. Transformational leadership encourages the achievement of high collective standards, through a sense of purpose and a common mission and vision. 1.7.4 Organizational culture Organizational culture as a series of values, the measure of culture focuses on values, whereas definitions of culture which focus on artifacts lead to measures which focus on organizational creations. Organizational culture is the personality of the organization, which comprises of assumptions, values, norms and artifacts of organization members and their behaviors. Organizational culture can be looked at as a system based on the companys value and norms, and organizational behaviors such as its technologies, strategies, products, services and appearance. Organizational culture has been seen as holistic, traditionally decided, and socially built. Culture involves beliefs, values and behavior, exists at a various levels, and manifests itself in a wide range of characteristics of organizational life. 1.7.5 Organizational commitment The word â€Å"commitment† is the strength of an individuals identification with and involvement in a particular organization.   Some researchers explained that commitment has three major components: a strong belief in and acceptance of the organizations goals and values; a willingness to exert considerable effort on behalf of the organization; and a definite desire to maintain organizational membership. 1.7.6 Job Satisfaction Some definitions of job satisfaction focus on the job itself, while others included all the job-related factors. Some researchers have defined satisfaction as positive feeling or aggressive responses; whereas others defined it as the gap between expected gains and the actual gain. Furthermore, satisfied employees have also been shown to exhibit lower levels of absenteeism and higher levels of motivation than their counterparts. In contrast, job satisfaction is generally recognized as a multifaceted construct that includes employee feelings about a variety of both intrinsic and extrinsic job elements. It encompasses specific aspects of satisfaction related to pay, benefits, promotion, work conditions, supervision, organizational practices and relationships with co-workers. 1.8 Organization of Study The present study arranged into six chapters as follows: Chapter One is the background of the study, which states the purpose, problem statement and research questions. This includes the rationale and significance of the study. It also describes the focus and objectives of the study, definition of terms and organization of the study. Chapter Two content overview of leadership concept, leadership theories, leadership styles and concentrate to transformational leadership style. This chapter also covers organizational culture, job satisfaction and organization commitment. Studies on transformational leadership style with organizational culture, organizational commitment and job satisfaction, which include findings of previous studies and their relationship with the current research studies. Chapter Three introduce the research framework and overview, this includes statement of hypothesis. Chapter Four discusses previous research methodologies and the research design. This includes population and sample, which also cover the reliability and validity test of instruments used and the data analysis plan. Chapter Five elaborates on results of the data analysis and hypothesis testing which cover demographic characteristics and statistical analysis. This chapter also describes data analysis for research questions and hypothesis proposition. Chapter Six represents the research findings

Monday, August 19, 2019

Platos Views on the Technology of Writing Essay -- Expository History

Plato's Views on the Technology of Writing In the book Phaedrus Plato offers a lot of criticism for a writing technology that not many of us would ever think as writing technology, let alone criticize it. This writing technology is none other than writing itself. When people think of writing technology they mostly think of the printing press, the computer, the typewriter and such. Yet no one stops to think of writing. Writing has had such a major impact on society that who would ever think that the one of the greatest minds of all time opposed it. Plato was not just a crazy old man afraid of change; his criticism can still be applied today. For many people, writing has always been around. It’s hard to picture life without writing, books, reading, but at one point all there was was rhetoric. People would entertain themselves not by picking up a book by Jane Austen or Shakespeare. They would go to listen to people give speeches. This is what Plato was used to, and when writing came along he resisted the idea that this new invention, writing, could be good for people. First, Plato thought that writing would be bad for peoples’ memories. He thought writing would encourage forgetfulness and that people would rely too much on writing as a means of recollection. In Phaedrus Socrates points this out to Phaedrus by telling him a story about the Egyptian king Thamus and Theuth an inventor of many arts. â€Å" For this invention of yours will create forgetfulness in the learners’ souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselves† (Plato 87-88). Plato used the character of Thamus to express his own concerns a... ...ted to, Phaedrus could change his speech. Authors don’t really have that luxury. Once a book is in print, they can’t change their mind. For example, say a critic says that an author’s introduction was horrible and should be rewritten. The author doesn’t get the chance to rewrite the introduction. Chances are there are already multiple copies of the book in the bookstores or libraries. As it can be seen, even though Plato brought up these critiques along time ago they can still be applied to life today. As it turns out Plato was not crazy after all, but was able to see the flaws in writing that still plague it today. In addition, these critiques he brought up can also be applied to other forms of writing technology. Works Cited: LaRocque, Paula. â€Å"Language and Lost Credibility†. The Quill. Nov. 1999: 38 Plato. Phaedrus. New York: Dover, 1993.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Formalistic Approach to Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown :: Young Goodman Brown YGB

Formalistic Approach to Young Goodman Brown The Formalistic Approach can be found throughout "Young Goodman Brown," a short story written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Formalistic Approach is one of the most frequently used approaches. It concentrates on the concepts of form, tension, image, and symbol; as well as point of view, irony, and paradox. These styles appear throughout the story. Form in the past has meant what is now known as external form, the way one identifies the work. This type of form is usually associated with poetry. Organic form is important to critics. "Emphasis on organicism is not just in literary forms but in a broader, philosophical context, where the world itself is organic..." Point of view is another device in the Formalistic Approach. Point of view, " preserves the internal form, the organic quality of the work." (Handbook pg.87) Tension, irony, and paradox are "the resolution of opposites. " "The basic terms -tension, irony, and paradox- are often nearly indistinguishable, so closely do they work to gether."(Handbook pg. 90) "A term introduced by Allen Tate, meaning the integral unity that results from the successful resolution of the conflicts of abstraction and concreteness..." (Handbook pg. 90) Ambiguity is also present in "Young Goodman Brown." "Paradoxical as it may seem, we suggest that ambiguity is a formal device in 'Young Goodman Brown'."(Handbook pg.97) One way to see ambiguity in the work, as suggested by the Handbook of Critical Approaches, is to trace the relationships of light and dark. The daylight and darkness of the town and the (dark) forest is important. "Young Goodman Brown" is a story that is easily understood. The broad use of symbolism jumps out to the reader making the story fun and interesting, while displaying the meaning and ironic twists of events. In "Young Goodman Brown," the "image" almost immediately takes on symbolic qualities. For example, the pink ribbons in the hair of Faith, Brown's wife. This is a reference to and has the same meaning as Hester Prynne's scarlet "A". Another good example of ambiguity and symbolism is the fact that Faith's ribbons are pink, an in between color. Red is a symbol of evil or being provocative and white is a symbol of purity and innocence. "Like the admixture of light and dark in the tale... the ribbons are neither red nor white. They are somewhere between: they are ambiguity objectified.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Is Communication Competency a Skill or an Art

Is Communication competency a skill or an art? Communication competency is a skill that relies on a combination of behavior and knowledge. To communicate effectively, you will need to understand cultural diversity, have good language skills, listening and interpersonal skills. According to David Morley’s essay, â€Å"Communication†, states that all communication refers to the activity of imparting, or transmitting messages containing, information, ideas, or knowledge. With communication you can earn the respect from thousands of people all due to the way you bring your message across.People with a clear vision and the skills to communicate that vision with the passion that makes them contagious become leaders. Leaders such as Alexander the Great, Napoleon, and Adolf Hitler radiate true inspiration and charisma. These great leaders were groomed from a very young age. Napoleon the first learned quickly the influence of the media and in 1793 published a prorepublican pamph let, â€Å" Le Souper de Beaucaire â€Å". He also founded two newspapers both for the troops in his army and also for circulation in France.His strict censorship and control from every aspect of the press, allowing the public to see what he wanted them to see. Alan Forrest in the, â€Å"Propaganda and the Legitimation of Power in Napoleonic France† explains how Napoleon fostered an important relationship with the art community. In doing this he forms an active role in controlling all forms of art production to suit his propaganda goals. Propaganda is an assertion of enthusiastic or energetic statement presented as a fact. Propaganda is a skilled form of communication that has been repeatedly used throughout history.Body language is non-verbal communication such as body posture, gestures, facial expressions and eye movements. The gestures or movements in which a person conscious or unconscious communicates their thoughts or feelings. Albert Mehrabian’s studies came t o two basic conclusions. The first is three basic elements in face-to-face communication; words, tone of voice, and nonverbal behavior (facial expressions). The second conclusion was how the person non-verbally match what is being said. Non-verbal cues are very mportant in conveying the message that the speaker is trying to give. Mehrabian’s studies linked the effect of three elements to communication: Words = 7%, Voice = 38%, and body language = 55%. Knowing this and reflecting back, Hitler was a highly skilled and effective speaker. He had a strong emotional persistence of purpose in his speeches. He would actually practice his speeches and new what hand gestures went where to make the best emphasis. Watching the videos of his speeches without tone lets you see the power in his body language.With tone you can hear the different vocal tones and emotion he used to convince the public. Hitler was mentored by Dietrich Eckart, one of the early founders of the occult Thule Societ y, and was taught politics. He learned how to use communication to get the public motivated and moving the direction he wanted them to go. He was able to turn an entire nation around, giving them a will to survive, to prosper making him a successful leader. Hitler was not a good person, but was a great Leader.A man like Alexander the Great through the teachings of the great philosopher Aristotle, was able to inspire keeping his army active and loyal using his excellent communication skills. This education built a strong emotional appeal (pathos) credibility of the speaker (ethos) and logic (logos). Giving him the intelligence to influence the audience to action. Rhetoric is the skill in the effective use of speech or writing as a way to persuade or influence people. Aristotle explains it best in the book, â€Å"Rhetoric† (trans. W. Rhys Roberts. :4:1359), who considers it a counterpart of both logic and politics, and calls it â€Å"the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion†. Rhetoric has been taught in universities during the middle ages and had influence within the church. Looking back through history we can see how the skill of communication has influenced the society. These men where able to take a handful of ideas, multiple language skills and transform them into a ceremony of communication. All of these men were very skilled in communication.When we look at these leaders, their education, their lives, and all the people that where constantly around them. We can only come to the conclusion that ‘Skill’ was the deciding factor of their success. The communication process requires multiple skills in interpersonal processing, listening, observing, speaking, and analyzing gestures. Communication is only complete when the listener understands what the speaker is trying to say. Misunderstandings are corrected by questions and answers, strategically placed examples or stories, follow up through critical thinking and feedback.Communication competency is a skill of getting your message across, through the background noise of culture. Using the appropriate words, preventing misunderstanding, understanding the audience, showing empathy, and communicating enthusiastically. Yes, Communication competency is a skill.Sources: †¢ Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia http://en. wikipedia. org/ †¢ David Morley’s essay, â€Å"Communication†. †¢ â€Å"Rhetoric† by Aristotle 350 B. C. E. (trans. W. Rhys Roberts. 1:4:1359) †¢ Mehrabian, Albert 1971. (Silent Messages)


The U.S. Constitution, the supreme law of the land, has been one of the oldest Constitution in the world.   It is also regarded as one of the most stable because up to date there are only twenty-seven amendments done.   Of these twenty-seven, ten were ratified simultaneously while the others were ratified on different dates.   For more than two centuries, only these changes were made.   One reason for this is the rigid procedure of amendments.   The framers of the Constitution saw it fit that it would be better to have a strict and stiff procedure to amend the Constitution so that it will not be used as a tool for politics but rather a guide to a more civilized society. Due to the strict procedure of amendments, certain provisions in the Constitution constitute an impediment especially to those who aspire on becoming the President of the United States.   Article II provides for the qualification those eligible to run for presidency.   It provides that only natural born citizens are eligible for the presidency.   Due to this provision, many aspiring individuals who are qualified educationally, physically, emotionally are being barred to run for the main reason that they are not natural born citizens of the United States of America. As such, the natural born clause constitutes as an undue discrimination to citizens who seeks and aspire to be President of the United States of America.   There are some moves that seek to amend the discriminatory provision but such actions prove to be futile due to the strict procedure of amendment.   The natural born clause amounts to a discrimination among the citizens of the country.   This provision should then be amended to accommodate a wide variety of aspirants who are equipped with adequate knowledge and experience to run the government. The United States of America is undeniably composed of citizens from different culture, race, and ethnicity.   It has a diverse range of people.   From private institutions to government offices, there are different kinds of people that one would encounter.   There is no distinct race in a particular working environment.   Politics did not escape this diversity.   Different personalities hold even critical positions in government.   Although different in race or culture, this does not impair the effective and efficient discharge of their duties.   It does not constitute as a hindrance to interact with other people. Whether natural born citizen or not is beyond the issue.   Due to this, the natural born clause should not discriminate others.   As written in an article by John Dean, he mentioned that â€Å"The â€Å"natural born† clause is an inappropriate boundary on a nation built by immigrants, a purposeless limit on the American dream†.   He also added that the natural born clause is totally unnecessary and constitute â€Å"political wastage†. The Constitution should then be amended to realize the principle of political equality. Until the provision on natural born clause is amended, discrimination against non-natural born citizens will continue.   Political equality is one of the best ways to minimize, if not eradicate discrimination.   It could also be used as a tool to unite the differences among races and cultures.   It is a good indication that neither of the races and cultures are superior to the others. In drafting the Constitution, the framers thought that it would be better for them that the leader that will govern should be a bona fide American, meaning a person who is not only a citizen but should also be natural born.   This is to ensure his or her loyalty to the country and not just being an instrument by a foreign country.   They also do not want any foreign influence on the politics. This is what the framers of the Constitution had in mind when they drafted the provision.   However, they are not really aware about the bigger picture.   Ever since, the history of the United States cannot be separated with foreign elements.   The drafting of the Constitution is even influenced by European ideas and beliefs.   This disproves the mindset of the framers of the Constitution.   We cannot, however, blame them for that idea.   It is the nature of man to preserve the power within the race and culture.   Nevertheless, this creates certain drawbacks especially nowadays when most of the citizens are not natural born. Another point why the framers put the natural born clause is for the reason to prevent corruption from foreign government.   At first glance, it might seem to be a good point.   However, if we take a look into a deeper analysis, corruption from foreign government play a minor role.   Corruption in the government by foreign government cannot be dissolve, it can only be minimized.   This is the nature of politics.   Different elements come into play and one of which is influence by foreign elements.   As such, the natural born clause only seeks to minimize, if not eliminate the influence by foreign governments. Considering the abovementioned points, it is submitted that the Constitution, especially the natural born clause, be amended so as to allow other aspiring citizens to become the President of the United States of America.   As long as the aspirant possesses the other qualifications, there should be no other hindrance as to his candidacy in which he does not have any control.   As posited by Jefferson Morley, â€Å"eliminating the natural-born clause might expand the presidential talent pool and improve the contest. It would almost certainly foster a more ethnically diverse field of contenders†. Gathering from that line, it would create more choices to the voters on whom they would want to govern them.   It would also create a more competitive playing field among politicians to show that they truly deserve to be the President.   Being a citizen is a choice, but the place of birth cannot be chosen.   So to eradicate the political inequality, the Constitution should be amended to allow non-natural born citizens a chance to seek candidacy.   As mentioned by Dean, â€Å"[t]hese are not accidental Americans; rather, they are people who have chosen this country and its system because they love it and want to be part of it. Foreign-born Americans are often better citizens than those who take it all for granted, and they bring to the body politic the diversity that is our strength†. Works Cited Dean, John W., â€Å"The Pernicious â€Å"Natural Born† Clause of the Constitution: Why Immigrants Like Governors Schwarzenegger and Granholm Ought to be Able to Become Presidents†, http://writ.news.findlaw.com/dean/20041008.html, October 8, 2004, April 3, 2008. Morley, Jefferson, â€Å"Natural-Born† Killer: Abolish the idiotic constitutional clause barring immigrants from the presidency†, http://www.slate.com/id/2079204/, February 25, 2003, April 3, 2008               

Friday, August 16, 2019

Effects of College Stress Essay

Stress comes from variety of sources and does not seem to impact everyone in the same way. What is stressful to one person may not cause stress for another. In small doses, stress helps you to stay focused, energetic, and alert. But when stress becomes overwhelming, it can damage your health, your mood, your productivity, your relationships, and your quality of life. One of the effects of stress would be emotion; a person can suffer from loss of confidence while in unfamiliar territory, around new people, they encounter new challenges, it’s easy to lose confidence when you’re somewhere new. Fear of failure can be caused by the fact that most of the younger students will be years ahead of you with academic knowledge. They’ll make you wish you had paid attention in high school, English class. Feeling overwhelmed is another effect, students who haven’t learned how to learn are too embarrassed to ask for help. They assume wrongly, either that they’re the only ones holding on to this deficiency or that they ought to be smart enough to overcome it on their own. Lack of concentration is a direct effect of lack of energy in a person. Second, persons can also have the effect of behavioral issues which will consist of moodiness or mood swings, sometimes school work or getting to class gets to be too much and we can break down. Acting impulsively is another effect in a high drive to numb the pain of low self-esteem. A person will also experience sleeping too much or too little as a result, Sleep deprivation can also impair moral judgment and having too little sleep over a long period of time can take a huge toll on your health and also make a person more likely to be accident prone. Third, a Physical effect; a person is subject to suffer from headaches or migraines, as well as shortness of breath and hyperventilation which is the effect of panic and give the feeling of a heart attack, increased sweating, cold hands or feet are often an effect cause by mental and emotional stress, anxiety, or panic. In conclusion, long term exposure to stress can lead to serious health problems. Chronic stress disrupts nearly every system in the body. The more your body stress system is captivated the harder it is to shut off.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Road to Civil War

Road to the Civil War Joshua Douglas Axia College University of Phoenix It seems the United States is always at war. Our founding fathers fought the British for freedom and the Indians for land. Colonist fought each other for rights to land to grow their crops. Slaves fought for freedom and independence in this new country they were forced to live in. Slave owners fought for the right to keep their slaves so they could profit from their work. Women fought for their rights to be equal, to work outside the home and to vote.The North and the South fought each other in a Civil War for their rights to own slaves and to outlaw slaves. Why are wars important? The impact of war may seem negative at time. The loss of life and resources is tragic but many times the outcome of the war moved the United States forward shaping her into the country she is today. Tobacco was the crop to grow. It grew successfully and was in demand. In 1620, the demand for tobacco reached an all time high and the pri ces of products in Europe rose. Many people from Europe were out of jobs and unable to afford the things they needed to survive and take care of their families.Many left Europe and traveled across the continent to the United States where they thought they would be able to survive. Many of the immigrants arrived in Chesapeake looking for work. They were called indentured slaves and were required to work a certain number of years. Most indentured slaves did not live their entire term due to hunger, disease and the general conditions and abuse they were put under. This was the starting point of slavery. The boom in tobacco was sure to end at some point. During these times, the economy rose and fell on a whim.Indeed, in the1630’s and 1640’s the tobacco boom settled down. Virginia became a more social and political state. Wealthy settlers rose to political offices. They formed militias and defenses to govern their parishes. Since tobacco had become less profitable, the slav es were not worked as hard. This allowed many slaves to survive long enough to finish their indentures. Once they had done this, many slaves started working as hired hands on the plantations. Many saved their money and eventually they were able to buy their own land and become independent planters making their own profits.The economy swung back up in the years following the War of 1812. A domestic market emerged cutting off complete dependence on world trade. Many inventors also emerged with products that would make Americans more efficient and would help produce more products. Eli Whitney was one such inventor. He invented the cotton gin which removed sticky seeds from the lint. This was a huge success. Slaves were now able to clean more cotton per day which caused the cotton production to grow in the lower south. By 1840 the South produced a large portion of the world’s cotton supply.The rise in industries also helped the transportation circuit to grow by creating railroads to transport goods quickly. The economy was great but there were still issues regarding slavery and human rights. Women started speaking out about their rights such as working outside the home. Abolitionist emerged and started also speaking out about slavery. Many Southern colonists like their slaves. They were able to produce large quantities of crops quicker because they had so many people working the fields. They profited and were wealthy. Slaves allowed them to live the lifestyle of the wealthy.Many Northern colonists did not agree with slavery. Slavery was wrong and went against the very grain of what this country was founded on. The country was clearly starting to divide over these issues. The Dred Scott decision in 1857 was a major turning point on the road to the Civil War. Dred Scott was a slave that lived in Missouri. His master had taken him to live in Illinois which was a free state. Eventually the owner returned to Missouri which was not a free state. Dred Scott sued f or his freedom stating he went to live in a free state thus making him free and he should remain free.The case went to the Supreme Court. The court was made up of two northern judges and five southern judges. In the end, the ruling was 7 to 2 that Scott should remain a slave. Roger Taney of Maryland was a member of the Supreme Court. He was one of the judges that voted in favor of Dred Scott remaining a slave. He felt that African Americans were not and would never be a citizen of the United States and he made his opinion known. Around the country, the reaction to the decision varied. Many Southern colonists were happy with the decision.They wanted to keep their slaves and continue to profit off them and live the life of a wealthy man. While many Northern colonist felt this was unconstitutional. The Constitution of the United States was founded on the idea of freedom for all, not just a selected few. The result of this decision had a huge impact on the South. The decision spurred th em to action. In 1861, South Carolina seceded from the Union and the rest of the South followed splitting the North from the South. The Civil War now loomed on the horizon. The Civil War was a significant part of the United States history.Our founding fathers traveled across the continent from Europe to the Americas. They were looking for a new life, freedom from an opposing ruler and oppression from the social classes. Many early colonists had died in this pursuit of freedom. The survivors kept soldiering on, continuing to explore this new land and bargain with the Indians and other countries that had laid siege to different territories. Many wars were fought in this pursuit of freedom. These events, however unfortunate they might be, started shaping our country into what it is today.Had the men and the women in this country just set back and did nothing, where would we be today? What would this country be like? The Civil War and the result of the outcome of the Civil War turned ou t to be one of the most instrumental parts of our history. Many men and women died in the pursuit of freedom and equality that allows us to enjoy the freedoms and rights we have today. References: Davidson, J. , Gienapp, W. , Heyrman, C. , Lytle, M. , & Stoff, M. (2006). Nation of nations: A concise narrative of the American Republic (4th ed. ). Boston: McGraw Hill.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Palmers Limited Case Study

Cost's they overlook the quality. While BC tries to look pretty to their customer, Cost pay less attention to their look and more to provide the lowest prices for their members. From 1997 to 2001, Wall-Mart store numbers were increased by 53, Bi's stores went up by 50, but Cost went up by 91 . Cost's business strategy Is very simple, â€Å"To generate high sales volumes and rapid Inventory turnover by offering members very low prices on a limited selection of nationally branded and select private-label products In a wide range of merchandise categories† (Thompson, 2008) .They have able to implement this strategy very successfully. They have also been very successful in making their customer believe that product is a better quality than their competitors, interestingly their competitors in most cases don't carry the same kind of product. Cost's marketing strategy is simple yet effective, the idea of providing the lowest price and good quality product is a strategy to be reckon with. Plus there marketing idea of â€Å"Treasure Hunt† has allowed them to saved tons of money from broad advertisement.After a membership base Is established In an area, most new memberships came from word of mouth. This simple marketing and advertisement strategy has allowed Cost to keep Its marketing expenses low relative to those at typical retailers, discounter, and supermarkets. Cost is also known for its price strategy. They have become a master in providing top quality products even including some brand products at the lowest price possible to their customers.Instead of marking up their cap to 20 or 50 percent like their competitors they decided to cap their mark up to only 14 percent, which itself a key element in Cost's pricing strategy. This also indicates that Cost is trying to do what it takes to please their customer to increase their profits so they can make their shareholders happy at same time. It's this price strategy that has allows Cost to only only make profit over the year, but Increase their member to $110. Cost's product selection strategy Is also very Impressive. Unlike their competitor who carry from where from 40000 to 1 50000 SKU items , Cost decided to selecting Ana prove only auto mess I en last Includes everyday Items sun as kitchen supplies, Electronics, health and beauty products, automotive supplies, gasoline, games, cleaning supplies, canned goods, Food. They categories their product in commercial and professional use. Plus, Cost's treasure hunt merchandising strategy is also an attention grabber. Out of the 4000 items on the floor about 1000 were the treasure hunt product, meaning their prices with constantly changing.In most cases these were higher end products like furniture and TV. Cost's growth strategy is also quite remarkable. On average they have been opening about 20 to 25 new stores each year. Most of them in American but some internationally as well including; Canada, Korea, I-J, Japan, Canada, and Mexico. In recent year they experimented by opening independent Furniture store to sell high end bigger furniture items which resulted in good success. Later rather than opening more stores they instead added extra space about 45000 square feet to the Cost it self and called it Cost Home.Now the furniture category has become on of the tope 5 selling items on Cost's website. They are very innovative when it comes to their warehouse and management strategy. Cost's CEO, Jim Senegal, quoted, â€Å"Cost is able to offer lower prices and deter values by eliminating virtually all the frills and costs historically associated with conventional wholesalers and retailers, including salespeople, fancy buildings, delivery, billing, and accounts receivable. We run a tight operation with extremely low overhead which enables us to pass on dramatic savings to our members†. They stored the inventory on racks above the items being sold in the warehouse. That reduced their labor cost and saved them a lo t time on handling and stocking. They treat their manager as entrepreneur and allows them to decide what item should be sold in their store. They adored most of the inventory directly from the manufactures. It either came directly to the store or went to their distribution center called crosschecking depots. The point of these depots were to reduce the transportation cost by making sure all truck are full when they come the store.As an investor I wouldn't would want to invest in a company that has a good reputation, consistently growing, good sustainable growth, and good future plans. Let's talk about sustainable growth rate, which basically means that a firm can grow while keeping its profitability and financial policies unchanged. Sustainable growth model allows us to segregate reasons or changes that have led as a company to substantial growth so at the same time we can segregate the causes for those change. It is represented in four steps.